AWS Amplify にコントリビュートしてみよう


桐本 靖規 (MIERUNE Inc. /  AWS DevTools Hero)

こんにちは、AWS DevTools Heroの桐本です。

みなさんは、AWSがさまざまなオープンソースソフトウェア(OSS)を公開しているのをご存知でしょうか ? AWS は、AWS Amplify、AWS CDK、OpenSearch、AWS CLI 等のさまざまな OSS を公開しています。

Open Source at AWS »

私自身もオープンソースソフトウェア (OSS) が好きで、AWS や位置情報分野の OSS へのコントリビュートをしています。また、現在所属する MIERUNEFOSS4G (Free and OpenSource Software for Geospatial) と呼ばれる位置情報コミュニティのメンバーで創業されており、OSS への積極的な支援も行っています。

OSS に興味ある方がいましたら、ぜひ一緒にコントリビュートしましょう !

AWS Amplify にコントリビュート

本日は、AWS の OSS の中から AWS Amplify について、コントリビュートする内容を紹介します。AWS Amplify は、GitHub 上に OSS で公開されており、各プロダクトごとにリポジトリが分かれています。

AWS Amplify - GitHub »


AWS Amplify Contributor Program »

また、日本には AWS Amplify のユーザーグループがあり、そのコミュニティページでは日本のコントリビューターも紹介されています。

Amplify Japan User Group »

それでは、実際のコントリビュート方法を紹介します。今回は、AWS Amplify CLI の例を紹介します。

AWS Amplify CLI - GitHub »


AWS Amplify CLI - »

1. Issue 作成

はじめに、Issue を作成します。今回は、追加機能要望の Issue を作成します。課題を見つけた時は、Pull Request を作成する前にまずは Issue を作成します。

AWS Amplify CLI のリポジトリにアクセス

Issues をクリック

New Issue をクリック

Feature Request の 「Get started」をクリックします。


今回は、新マップスタイル「Open Data」を Amplify Geo に追加する Issue  を作成します。タイトルにカテゴリ名を記載すると親切です。

Amplify Geo: New map style (Open Data Maps) »

Is this feature request related to a new or existing Amplify category?
No response

Is this related to another service?
Amazon Location Service

Describe the feature you'd like to request
A new map style was announced today, but has not yet been added to the Amplify CLI.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add New map style to "amplify add geo" in Amplify CLI.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Because it is difficult to work manually.

Additional context
No response

Is this something that you'd be interested in working on?
 👋 I may be able to implement this feature request
Would this feature include a breaking change?
 ⚠️ This feature might incur a breaking change

2. 開発環境構築

次に、開発環境を準備します。AWS Amplify CLI のリポジトリを fork し、開発環境をインストールします。また、事前に Git と Node.js の環境も準備します。今回の例では、ツールは GitHub Desktop を利用しますが、コマンドや他の GUI ツール等でも問題ありません。

AWS Amplify CLI のリポジトリを fork します。


作業用の branch を作成します。branch 名はカテゴリ名も記載すると親切です。


fork したディレクトリで開発環境をインストールします。


  • node v16.10.0
  • npm v7.24.0
# Linux / macOS
yarn setup-dev
yarn run v1.18.0
$ yarn dev-build && yarn rm-dev-link && yarn link-dev && yarn rm-aa-dev-link && yarn link-aa-dev
$ yarn --cache-folder ~/.cache/yarn && nx run-many --target=build --all
[1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
[3/4] 🔗  Linking dependencies...
[4/4] 🔨  Building fresh packages...
    ✔  nx run amplify-cli-logger:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-function-plugin-interface:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-storage-simulator:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-cli-shared-interfaces:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-headless-interface:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-util-import:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-go-function-template-provider:build (2s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-python-function-template-provider:build (2s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-java-function-template-provider:build (2s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-util-headless-input:build (2s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-prompts:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-dotnet-function-runtime-provider:build (2s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-cli-core:build (3s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-opensearch-simulator:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-category-custom:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-category-interactions:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-environment-parameters:build (10s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-util-uibuilder:build (10s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-category-geo:build (10s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-container-hosting:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-dotnet-function-template-provider:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-e2e-core:build (10s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-category-predictions:build (10s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-java-function-runtime-provider:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-go-function-runtime-provider:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-nodejs-function-template-provider:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-nodejs-function-runtime-provider:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-python-function-runtime-provider:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/cli-extensibility-helper:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-category-notifications:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-category-analytics:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-console-hosting:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-category-function:build (7s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-dynamodb-simulator:build (12s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-category-storage:build (4s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-category-auth:build (6s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-provider-awscloudformation:build (6s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-graphiql-explorer:build (37s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/amplify-appsync-simulator:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run amplify-util-mock:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/cli-internal:build (5s)
    ✔  nx run @aws-amplify/cli:build (2s)


 >  NX   Successfully ran target build for 42 projects (54s)

$ rimraf -f "$(yarn global bin)/amplify-dev"
$ cd packages/amplify-cli && ln -s "$(pwd)/bin/amplify" "$(yarn global bin)/amplify-dev" && cd -
$ rimraf -f "$(yarn global bin)/amplify-app-dev"
$ cd packages/amplify-app && ln -s "$(pwd)/bin/amplify-app" "$(yarn global bin)/amplify-app-dev" && cd -
✨  Done in 130.87s.

3. コード修正

次に、実際にコードを修正します。新マップスタイル「Open Data」を追加するために、Amplify Geo カテゴリに関係するファイルを修正します。


- export type MapStyleType = EsriMapStyleType | HereMapStyleType;
+   /**
+   * The type of Map styles for Open data provider
+   */
+   export enum OpenDataMapStyleType {
+     StandardLight = "StandardLight"
+   }
+ export type MapStyleType = EsriMapStyleType | HereMapStyleType | OpenDataMapStyleType;

 * Supported Geo Map Styles
export enum MapStyle {
    VectorEsriNavigation = "VectorEsriNavigation",
    VectorEsriStreets = "VectorEsriStreets",
    VectorEsriTopographic = "VectorEsriTopographic",
    VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas = "VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas",
    VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas = "VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas",
    RasterEsriImagery = "RasterEsriImagery",
    VectorHereBerlin = "VectorHereBerlin",
    VectorHereExplore = "VectorHereExplore",
    VectorHereExploreTruck = "VectorHereExploreTruck",
    RasterHereExploreSatellite = "RasterHereExploreSatellite",
-   HybridHereExploreSatellite = "HybridHereExploreSatellite"
+   HybridHereExploreSatellite = "HybridHereExploreSatellite",
+   VectorOpenDataStandardLight = "VectorOpenDataStandardLight"

    switch(mapStyle) {
        case MapStyle.VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Esri, mapStyleType: EsriMapStyleType.DarkGrayCanvas };
        case MapStyle.VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Esri, mapStyleType: EsriMapStyleType.LightGrayCanvas };
        case MapStyle.VectorEsriNavigation:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Esri, mapStyleType: EsriMapStyleType.Navigation };
        case MapStyle.VectorEsriStreets:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Esri, mapStyleType: EsriMapStyleType.Streets };
        case MapStyle.VectorEsriTopographic:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Esri, mapStyleType: EsriMapStyleType.Topographic };
        case MapStyle.RasterEsriImagery:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Esri, mapStyleType: EsriMapStyleType.Imagery };
        case MapStyle.VectorHereBerlin:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Here, mapStyleType: HereMapStyleType.Berlin };
        case MapStyle.VectorHereExplore:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Here, mapStyleType: HereMapStyleType.Explore };
        case MapStyle.VectorHereExploreTruck:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Here, mapStyleType: HereMapStyleType.ExploreTruck };
        case MapStyle.RasterHereExploreSatellite:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Here, mapStyleType: HereMapStyleType.RasterSatellite };
        case MapStyle.HybridHereExploreSatellite:
            return { dataProvider: DataProvider.Here, mapStyleType: HereMapStyleType.HybridSatellite };
+       case MapStyle.VectorOpenDataStandardLight:
+           return { dataProvider: DataProvider.OpenData, mapStyleType: OpenDataMapStyleType.StandardLight };
            throw new Error(`Invalid map style ${mapStyle}`);


describe('map style construction works as expected', () => {
    const mapStyles = [
-       "HybridHereExploreSatellite"
+       "HybridHereExploreSatellite",
+       "VectorOpenDataStandardLight"


export enum DataProvider {
    Esri = 'Esri',
-   Here = 'HERE'
+   Here = 'HERE',
+   OpenData = 'OpenData',


export const mapStyleWalkthrough = async (parameters: Partial<MapParameters>): Promise<Partial<MapParameters>> => {
    const mapStyleChoices = [
        { name: 'Streets (data provided by Esri)', value: MapStyle.VectorEsriStreets },
        { name: 'Berlin (data provided by HERE)', value: MapStyle.VectorHereBerlin },
        { name: 'Explore (data provided by HERE)', value: MapStyle.VectorHereExplore },
        { name: 'ExploreTruck (data provided by HERE)', value: MapStyle.VectorHereExploreTruck },
        { name: 'RasterSatellite (data provided by HERE)', value: MapStyle.RasterHereExploreSatellite },
        { name: 'HybridSatellite (data provided by HERE)', value: MapStyle.HybridHereExploreSatellite },
        { name: 'Topographic (data provided by Esri)', value: MapStyle.VectorEsriTopographic },
        { name: 'Navigation (data provided by Esri)', value: MapStyle.VectorEsriNavigation },
        { name: 'LightGrayCanvas (data provided by Esri)', value: MapStyle.VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas },
        { name: 'DarkGrayCanvas (data provided by Esri)', value: MapStyle.VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas },
-       { name: 'Imagery (data provided by Esri)', value: MapStyle.RasterEsriImagery }
+       { name: 'Imagery (data provided by Esri)', value: MapStyle.RasterEsriImagery },
+       { name: 'StandardLight (data provided by OpenStreetMap)', value: MapStyle.VectorOpenDataStandardLight }


        "MapStyle": {
            "description": "Supported Geo Map Styles",
            "enum": [
-               "HybridHereExploreSatellite"
+               "HybridHereExploreSatellite",
+               "VectorOpenDataStandardLight"
            "type": "string"


 * Supported Geo Map Styles
 export enum MapStyle {
  VectorEsriNavigation = "VectorEsriNavigation",
  VectorEsriStreets = "VectorEsriStreets",
  VectorEsriTopographic = "VectorEsriTopographic",
  VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas = "VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas",
  VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas = "VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas",
  RasterEsriImagery = "RasterEsriImagery",
  VectorHereBerlin = "VectorHereBerlin",
  VectorHereExplore = "VectorHereExplore",
  VectorHereExploreTruck = "VectorHereExploreTruck",
  RasterHereExploreSatellite = "RasterHereExploreSatellite",
- HybridHereExploreSatellite = "HybridHereExploreSatellite"
+ HybridHereExploreSatellite = "HybridHereExploreSatellite",
+ VectorOpenDataStandardLight = "VectorOpenDataStandardLight"


// @public (undocumented)
export enum MapStyle {
    // (undocumented)
    HybridHereExploreSatellite = "HybridHereExploreSatellite",
    // (undocumented)
    RasterEsriImagery = "RasterEsriImagery",
    // (undocumented)
    RasterHereExploreSatellite = "RasterHereExploreSatellite",
    // (undocumented)
    VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas = "VectorEsriDarkGrayCanvas",
    // (undocumented)
    VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas = "VectorEsriLightGrayCanvas",
    // (undocumented)
    VectorEsriNavigation = "VectorEsriNavigation",
    // (undocumented)
    VectorEsriStreets = "VectorEsriStreets",
    // (undocumented)
    VectorEsriTopographic = "VectorEsriTopographic",
    // (undocumented)
    VectorHereBerlin = "VectorHereBerlin",
    // (undocumented)
    VectorHereExplore = "VectorHereExplore",
    // (undocumented)
-   VectorHereExploreTruck = "VectorHereExploreTruck"
+   VectorHereExploreTruck = "VectorHereExploreTruck",
+   // (undocumented)
+   VectorOpenDataStandardLight = "VectorOpenDataStandardLight"

4. テスト実行

fork したディレクトリで実行します。

yarn lint-fix
yarn run v1.18.0
$ git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter d | grep -E '\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$' | xargs eslint --fix --quiet
✨  Done in 0.06s.


yarn build
yarn run v1.18.0
$ tsc
✨  Done in 4.51s.
yarn test
yarn run v1.18.0
$ jest --logHeapUsage
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-utils/validateGeoJSONObj.test.ts (10.153 s, 853 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-utils/serviceUtils.test.ts (14.444 s, 977 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-walkthroughs/mapWalkthrough.test.ts (14.546 s, 984 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/commands/geo/add.test.ts (14.427 s, 984 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-walkthroughs/placeIndexWalkthrough.test.ts (14.658 s, 1058 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-utils/resourceUtils.test.ts (14.504 s, 1063 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/commands/geo/update.test.ts (14.516 s, 1052 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-walkthroughs/geofenceCollectionWalkthrough.test.ts (14.612 s, 1042 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/commands/geo/remove.test.ts (1063 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/index.test.ts (14.818 s, 1053 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-utils/mapParams.test.ts (999 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-stacks/mapStack.test.ts (1053 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-stacks/placeIndexStack.test.ts (1053 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/provider-controllers/index.test.ts (1124 MB heap size)
 PASS  src/__tests__/service-stacks/geofenceCollectionStack.test.ts (1132 MB heap size)
File               | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files          |   68.84 |    58.41 |   56.81 |   67.26 |
 src               |      55 |       25 |      40 |   51.78 |
  constants.ts     |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  index.ts         |   52.63 |       25 |      40 |   49.05 | ...58,62-63,76-85
  ...edServices.ts |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 src/commands/geo  |   53.27 |        0 |      50 |   50.49 |
  add.ts           |   56.52 |        0 |     100 |   54.54 | 21-22,27-36
  console.ts       |   57.14 |        0 |       0 |   53.84 | 11-18
  help.ts          |   55.55 |      100 |       0 |      50 | 8-35
  import.ts        |   33.33 |        0 |       0 |   28.57 | 8-20
  remove.ts        |   56.52 |        0 |     100 |   54.54 | 16-17,23-32
  update.ts        |   56.52 |        0 |     100 |   54.54 | 21-22,27-36 |   43.36 |    38.04 |   15.78 |   39.27 |
  ...Collection.ts |   61.53 |       75 |   33.33 |      60 | 23-34,40-51
  import.ts        |   18.42 |        0 |       0 |    17.8 | ...09-120,129-142
  index.ts         |      39 |    21.62 |   18.75 |   31.76 | ...40-152,163-172
  map.ts           |   60.71 |       75 |   14.28 |   56.25 | ...,94-98,105-111
  placeIndex.ts    |   60.52 |       75 |   33.33 |   58.82 | 15-26,32-43
 ...service-stacks |     100 |    93.75 |     100 |     100 |
  baseStack.ts     |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  ...ctionStack.ts |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  mapStack.ts      |     100 |    88.88 |     100 |     100 | 35
  ...IndexStack.ts |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 src/service-utils |   69.41 |    68.57 |   54.92 |    67.4 |
  constants.ts     |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  ...tionParams.ts |   41.66 |        0 |       0 |   33.33 | 15-17,21-24
  ...ctionUtils.ts |   56.06 |    71.42 |    37.5 |   52.45 | ...98-102,110-119
  importParams.ts  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  mapParams.ts     |    89.7 |    97.14 |   66.66 |   90.47 | 66-68,72-75
  mapUtils.ts      |   59.49 |       75 |      50 |   56.16 | ...93-105,112-122
  ...ndexParams.ts |   53.33 |    66.66 |      25 |      50 | 24-26,30-33
  ...IndexUtils.ts |   56.16 |    68.75 |    37.5 |   52.94 | ...96-110,117-128
  ...urceParams.ts |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  resourceUtils.ts |   64.07 |    36.84 |   57.89 |   59.77 | ...95-200,215-229
  ...GeoJSONObj.ts |   98.14 |    94.11 |     100 |   98.03 | 47
 ...e-walkthroughs |   83.69 |    64.95 |   81.81 |   83.05 |
  ...alkthrough.ts |   84.44 |    71.79 |   88.88 |   84.14 | 65-74,138-143,164
  ...alkthrough.ts |   85.88 |    62.96 |      80 |   85.33 | ...07,130-135,157
  ...alkthrough.ts |    87.8 |       68 |    87.5 |   86.48 | ...94,117-122,144
  ...alkthrough.ts |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
  ...alkthrough.ts |   70.17 |       52 |      60 |   70.37 | ...2,59,78,88-102

Test Suites: 15 passed, 15 total
Tests:       72 passed, 72 total
Snapshots:   20 passed, 20 total
Time:        17.207 s
Ran all test suites.
✨  Done in 17.89s.

5. 動作確認


AWS Amplify の初期設定をします。

/Users/[ユーザー名]/.yarn/bin/amplify-dev init
⚠️ Amplify command hooks are disabled in the current execution environment.
⚠️ See for more information.
Note: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory
? Enter a name for the project amazonlocationservic
The following configuration will be applied:

Project information
| Name: amazonlocationservic
| Environment: dev
| Default editor: Visual Studio Code
| App type: javascript
| Javascript framework: none
| Source Directory Path: src
| Distribution Directory Path: dist
| Build Command: npm run-script build
| Start Command: npm run-script start

? Initialize the project with the above configuration? Yes
Using default provider  awscloudformation
? Select the authentication method you want to use: (Use arrow keys)
❯ AWS profile
? Select the authentication method you want to use: AWS profile

For more information on AWS Profiles, see:

? Please choose the profile you want to use default
Adding backend environment dev to AWS Amplify app: xxxxx

Deployment completed.
Deployed root stack amazonlocationservic [ ===========================
 amplify-amazonlocationservic-… AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_
 AuthRole                       AWS::IAM::Role                 CREATE_
 DeploymentBucket               AWS::S3::Bucket                CREATE_
 UnauthRole                     AWS::IAM::Role                 CREATE_

✔ Help improve Amplify CLI by sharing non sensitive configurations on failures (y/N) · yes

Deployment state saved successfully.
✔ Initialized provider successfully.
✅ Initialized your environment successfully.

Your project has been successfully initialized and connected to the cloud!

Some next steps:
"amplify status" will show you what you've added already and if it's locally configured or deployed
"amplify add <category>" will allow you to add features like user login or a backend API
"amplify push" will build all your local backend resources and provision it in the cloud
"amplify console" to open the Amplify Console and view your project status
"amplify publish" will build all your local backend and frontend resources (if you have hosting category added) and provision it in the cloud

Pro tip:
Try "amplify add api" to create a backend API and then "amplify push" to deploy everything


/Users/[ユーザー名]/.yarn/bin/amplify-dev add auth
⚠️ Amplify command hooks are disabled in the current execution environment.
⚠️ See for more information.
Using service: Cognito, provided by: awscloudformation

 The current configured provider is Amazon Cognito.

 Do you want to use the default authentication and security configuration? Default configuration
 Warning: you will not be able to edit these selections.
 How do you want users to be able to sign in? Username
 Do you want to configure advanced settings? No, I am done.
✅ Successfully added auth resource xxxxx locally

✅ Some next steps:
"amplify push" will build all your local backend resources and provision it in the cloud
"amplify publish" will build all your local backend and frontend resources (if you have hosting category added) and provision it in the cloud

マップ機能の設定をします。新マップスタイル「Open Data」を選択します。

/Users/[ユーザー名]/.yarn/bin/amplify-dev add geo
⚠️ Amplify command hooks are disabled in the current execution environment.
⚠️ See for more information.
? Select which capability you want to add: Map (visualize the geospatial data)
✔ Provide a name for the Map: · xxxxx
✔ Who can access this Map? · Authorized and Guest users
Available advanced settings:
- Map style & Map data provider (default: Streets provided by Esri)

✔ Do you want to configure advanced settings? (y/N) · yes
✔ Specify the map style. Refer · StandardLight (data provided by OpenStreetMap)

⚠️ Auth configuration is required to allow unauthenticated users, but it is not configured properly.
✅ Successfully updated auth resource locally.
✅ Successfully added resource xxxxx locally.

✅ Next steps:
"amplify push" builds all of your local backend resources and provisions them in the cloud
"amplify publish" builds all of your local backend and front-end resources (if you added hosting category) and provisions them in the cloud


/Users/[ユーザー名]/.yarn/bin/amplify-dev push
⚠️ Amplify command hooks are disabled in the current execution environment.
⚠️ See for more information.
⠙ Fetching updates to backend environment: dev from the cloud.⠋ Building resource auth/xxxxx
✔ Successfully pulled backend environment dev from the cloud.

    Current Environment: dev

│ Category │ Resource name                │ Operation │ Provider plugin   │
│ Auth     │ xxxxx                        │ Create    │ awscloudformation │
│ Geo      │ xxxxx                        │ Create    │ awscloudformation │
? Are you sure you want to continue? Yes

Deployment completed.
Deployed root stack amazonlocationservic [ ===========================
 amplifyxxxxx                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     UPDATE_
 authxxxxx                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_
 geomapxxxxx                    AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_
Deployed auth xxxxx                      [ =========================
 UserPool                       AWS::Cognito::UserPool         CREATE_
 UserPoolClientWeb              AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient   CREATE_
 UserPoolClient                 AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient   CREATE_
 UserPoolClientRole             AWS::IAM::Role                 CREATE_
 UserPoolClientLambda           AWS::Lambda::Function          CREATE_
 UserPoolClientLambdaPolicy     AWS::IAM::Policy               CREATE_
 UserPoolClientLogPolicy        AWS::IAM::Policy               CREATE_
 UserPoolClientInputs           Custom::LambdaCallout          CREATE_
 IdentityPool                   AWS::Cognito::IdentityPool     CREATE_
 IdentityPoolRoleMap            AWS::Cognito::IdentityPoolRol… CREATE_
Deployed geo mapc9d7723d [ ======================================== ]
 CustomMapLambdaServiceRole4EE… AWS::IAM::Role                 CREATE_
 CustomMapLambdaServiceRoleDef… AWS::IAM::Policy               CREATE_
 CustomMapLambda51D5D430        AWS::Lambda::Function          CREATE_
 CustomMap                      Custom::LambdaCallout          CREATE_
 MapPolicy                      AWS::IAM::Policy               CREATE_

次に、マップアプリケーションの表示環境を構築します。「Amazon Location Service と AWS Amplify でさまざまなマップライブラリを利用する」の記事で紹介したスターター「amazon-location-service-starter」等を利用し、作成したディレクトリに必要なファイルを配置します。


npm install


npm run dev

新マップスタイル「Open Data」が表示されます。


6. コードの Pull Request 作成

次に、コードの Pull Request を作成します。タイトルにカテゴリ名を記載すると親切です。

feat(category-geo): add new map style 2022.12 »

Description of changes
  - New map styles were added.
    - "VectorOpenDataStandardLight"

Issue #, if available

Description of how you validated changes
 PR description included
 yarn test passes
 Tests are changed or added
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

7. ドキュメント修正


Amplify Documentation のリポジトリを fork し、作業用の branch を作成し対象ファイルを修正します。


? Specify the map style:
❯ Streets (data provided by Esri)
  Berlin (data provided by HERE)
  Explore (data provided by HERE)
  ExploreTruck (data provided by HERE)
  RasterSatellite (data provided by HERE)
  HybridSatellite (data provided by HERE)
  Topographic (data provided by Esri)
  Navigation (data provided by Esri)
  LightGrayCanvas (data provided by Esri)
  DarkGrayCanvas (data provided by Esri)
  Imagery (data provided by Esri)
+ StandardLight (data provided by OpenStreetMap)

8. ドキュメントの Pull Request 作成

次に、ドキュメントの Pull Request を作成します。本文に、Issue とコードの Pull Request のリンクを記載すると親切です。

Map Style Add »

Issue #, if available:

Description of changes:
New map styles were added.
StandardLight (data provided by OpenStreetMap)
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

9. Pull Request の Merge & Release

最後に、Pull Request が Merge され Release されます。Merge は、メンテナーの確認待ちになります。問題がなければ、そのまま Merge されますが修正が必要な場合は、メンテナーからコメントがくるので対応をします。

Merge 後の Release は、数週間 ~ 1 か月程度で完了します。

AWS Amplify CLI - Release v10.7.0 »


10. まとめ

AWS Amplify へのコントリビュートは、多くのユーザーの助けになります。また、自分で追加した機能が世界中に公開されるのも素晴らしいことです。バグ報告や機能追加要望の Issue を作成する貢献もユーザーの助けになります。

できるところからぜひ一緒に始めましょう ! 今回の例が、AWS Amplify にコントリビュートしてみたい方の参考になれば嬉しいです !

そして、コントリビュートを継続することでメンテナーからの連絡があり、限定の SWAG をもらえる可能性もあります !

AWS Amplify は、コミュニティも活発です。公式の Discord や Slack もあるのでぜひ参加してみてください ! 世界中のエンジニアと繋がることができます !

builders.flash メールメンバーへ登録することで
AWS のベストプラクティスを毎月無料でお試しいただけます


桐本 靖規
Co-Founder and CTO of MIERUNE Inc.  
AWS DevTools Hero | MapLibre Voting Member | Owner of dayjournal  

2004 年から位置情報分野に携わり、2016 年に MIERUNE を共同創業。独自のカルチャーを持つプロフェッショナルなチーム作りや、プロダクト成功のための組織マネジメントに注力し日々模索中。個人活動では、オープンソースへの貢献や、コミュニティの運営メンバーとしてカンファレンスやワークショップを開催。専門は GIS (Geographic Information System) と FOSS4G (Free and OpenSource Software for Geospatial)。AWS と位置情報技術の組み合わせを日々模索中。

好きな AWS サービス : Amazon Location Service / AWS Amplify

Twitter: @dayjournal_nori / GitHub: @dayjournal / LinkedIn: @YasunoriKirimoto

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