Create a BankingBot with English and Spanish support in the Amazon Lex V2 console


Module 5: Clean up and next steps

What you will accomplish

In the previous modules, we built and configured a bot for a financial application using;

In the following steps, clean up the resources created in this lab to prevent costs.

 Time to complete

5 minutes


Completion of Module 1, Module 2 and Module 3


Step 1. Delete the Amazon Lex bot

First, remove the bot you created.
1.    Navigate to the Amazon Lex V2 console, and in the left pane, choose Bots.
2.    Select the BankingBot and choose Action, Delete.
3.    In the confirmation dialog box, press Delete.

Step 2: Delete the AWS Lambda function

1.    Navigate to the Lambda console, and in the left pane, choose Functions.
2.    Select both the BankingBotEnglish and BankingBotSpanish functions and choose Actions, Delete.
3.    In the confirmation dialog box type delete, press Delete.
4.    Press Close  


Congratulations! You have finished the Create a BankingBot with English and Spanish support in the Amazon Lex V2 console tutorial.

In this tutorial you used Amazon Lex V2 to create a bilingual banking bot and;

  • used an AWS Lambda function to fulfill the users requests
  • created custom slot types
  • used Contexts to pass slot values between intents

Next steps

Continue your journey with AWS by following the next steps in the section below.

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