Amazon Q Developer pricing

Amazon Q Developer reimagines the experience across the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), making it faster and easier to build, secure, manage, and optimize applications on or off of AWS. Amazon Q Developer offers two pricing tiers.

Experience Amazon Q with a free trial through June 30th, 2024. Current subscribers will not be charged until July 1st.

Amazon Q Developer Free Tier


 Code faster with code suggestions in the IDE and CLI
 Free for public CLI completions
 Review code licenses with reference tracking
 Use where you work: your IDE, CLI, the AWS Management Console, Slack, and more
 Limited monthly access of advanced features
  • Chat, debug code, add tests, and more in your integrated developer environment (IDE) (limit 50 interactions per month)
  • Accelerate tasks with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development (limit 5 per month)
  • Upgrade apps in a fraction of the time with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation (limit 1,000 lines of code per month)
  • Enhance code security with security vulnerability scanning (limit 50 project scans per month)
  • Get answers about your AWS account resources (limit 25 queries per month)
  • Diagnose common errors in the console (included)
  • And more

Amazon Q Developer Pro Tier


per user

 Code faster with code suggestions in the IDE and CLI
 Review code licenses with reference tracking
 Use where you work: your IDE, CLI, the AWS Management Console, Slack, and more
 Manage users and policies with enterprise access controls
 Customize Amazon Q to your code base to get even better suggestions (preview)
 High limits of advanced features
  • Chat, debug code, add tests, and more in your integrated developer environment (IDE) (included)
  • Accelerate tasks with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development (limit 30 per month)
  • Upgrade apps in a fraction of the time with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation (limit 4,000 lines of code per month)
  • Enhance code security with security vulnerability scanning (limit 500 project scans per month)
  • Get answers about your AWS account resources (included)
  • Diagnose common errors in the console (included)
  • Simplify query authoring with generative SQL (preview) (included)
  • And more

With Amazon Q Developer Pro, you also get:

Enterprise administration (license or policy)

Provide users or groups access to Amazon Q Developer using single sign-on (SSO) with AWS IAM Identity Center integration. Manage group-wide policies, such as including suggestions with referenced code.

Analytics dashboard

More easily understand and manage usage and adoption within your organization at a glance. 

IP indemnity

Amazon Q Developer Pro offers indemnity for its output. For more details, please see AWS Service Terms.

Amazon Q Developer code customizations (preview)

Customize Amazon Q Developer to generate more relevant inline code recommendations by making it aware of your internal libraries, APIs, best practices, and architectural patterns, significantly accelerating development. 

Features Pricing Tiers

$19/month per user


Code completions
Included Included

Chat (project-wide context)

50 chat interactions per month
Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development*
5 invocations per month

30 invocations per month
Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation **
1000 lines of code per month

4000 lines of code per month

Security vulnerability and code quality scanning

50 project scans per month
500 project scans per month, auto scanning included
Customization capability (preview)   create up to 8 customizations, and keep up to 2 active at the same time

AWS Management Console (and docs and marketing***)

The console

General Q&A Included Included
EC2 Instance Selection Included
Generative SQL (preview) Included Included
Diagnose common errors in the console
Included Included
Analyze network reachability 20 requests per day 20 requests per day
Data integration Included Included
Read-only actions on your AWS account resources 25 per month / account Included
Q&A with account context (preview) 25 per month / account Included

Command line

Public CLI completions
Included Included


50 chats per month

Amazon CodeCatalyst

Feature development*

5 per month

30 per month

Pull request summaries

5 per month

20 per month


Analytics dashboard


User management



Policy management



Security and privacy

Reference tracking



Suppress public code suggestions




AWS Builder ID or IAM user

IAM Identity Center

Data collection

Opt-out available

Automatically opted out

IP indemnity



*Usage for Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development is tracked across all usage types, and the limits are shared at the user level across the IDE and CodeCatalyst. An invocation is considered any prompt provided to the /dev command in the IDE, or assigned to Amazon Q in CodeCatalyst. Usage is only tracked for invocations where Amazon Q Developer Agent provides an implementation plan in the IDE, or generates a pull request in CodeCatalyst.

**Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation is available to Amazon Q Developer Free Tier and Professional Tier users. Pricing charges and usage are calculated against limits based on the number of lines of code (LOC) that you submit to Amazon Q and for which you receive back suggested upgrade code. Submissions where you stop the job before completion or when a failure is encountered during the upgrade are not included (and no code suggestion is generated). Noncode lines in repositories such as comments and empty lines are not counted.

You can get started with Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation at no cost as part of the Amazon Q Developer Free Tier. Free Tier users can upgrade 1,000 LOC per month, per user. If your code exceeds this limit, consider submitting a smaller buildable unit, like a module, or subscribe to the Amazon Q Developer Pro Tier for higher allocation limits and pay-per-use upgrades.

Amazon Q Developer Pro subscriptions are allocated 4,000 LOC per month for upgrades using Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation. These allocations are aggregated at the AWS payer-account level every month. Thus, if you have 100 active Amazon Q subscriptions across all your linked AWS accounts, you can upgrade 400,000 LOC per month before incurring additional charges. Usage that exceeds this allocation is charged $0.003 per LOC upgraded.

***Subscriptions are not available in the AWS Console Mobile Application, AWS Chatbot, or AWS marketing pages. Chat interactions through these are exclusively governed by Free Tier limits.

Amazon Q Developer will offer a perpetual Free Tier with monthly limits available to anyone logged in as an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or AWS Builder ID user.

  • Free Tier limits in the IDE are available only to Builder ID users.
  • Free Tier limits apply at the account level when logged in as an IAM user, or at the user level for AWS Builder ID users.
  • Only users with access to the console can use the Amazon Q Developer Free Tier limits in the console. 
  • Builder ID users do not currently have access to the console. 
  • Chat interactions through the AWS Console Mobile Application, AWS Chatbot, and AWS marketing and documentation pages are currently exclusively governed by Free Tier limits.

Members with subscriptions linked to an organization with IAM Identity Center benefit from Pro Tier limits at the user level. There are no current plans for a free trial.  

Region support for subscriptions

The Amazon Q Developer Free Tier and the Amazon Q Developer Pro subscriptions are available in the following AIM Identity Center Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California) US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), and South America (Sao Paulo).

The following opt-in Regions support the Amazon Q Free Tier only: Africa (Cape Town), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Hyderabad), Asia Pacific (Jakarta), Asia Pacific (Melbourne), Europe (Milan), Europe (Spain), Europe (Zurich), Israel (Tel Aviv), Middle East (UAE), and Middle East (Bahrain).

Pricing examples

Example 1:

You are an AWS administrator for your organization and subscribed to the Amazon Q Developer Pro Tier. You have added 50 users to Amazon Q Developer Pro subscriptions for the entire month of October. You will be charged for the entire month for 50 users. You will receive the bill on November 1.

Month October (31 days in month)
Users 50
Price $19/user per month
Cost calculations $19 x (31/31) days x 50 users
Total cost $950

Example 2:

You are an AWS administrator for your organization and subscribed to the Amazon Q Developer Pro Tier. On April 16, you newly subscribe 50 users. You will be charged a prorated amount for the 50 users for the remainder of the month. You will receive the bill on May 1.

Month April (30 days in month)
Users 50
Price $19/user per month
Cost calculations $19 x (15/30) days x 50 users
Total cost $475

Example 3:

You are an AWS administrator for your organization and subscribed to the Amazon Q Developer Pro Tier. You start June with 50 users and add 10 users on June 11. You will be charged for 50 users for the entire month and for 10 users for 20 days (from June 11 to June 30). You will receive the bill on July 1.

Month June (30 days in month)
Users 60
Price $19/user per month
Cost calculations [$19 x (30/30) days x 50 users] +
[$19 x (20/30) days x 10 users]
Total cost $1,076.67

Example 4:

You are an AWS Administrator for your organization and subscribed to the Amazon Q Developer Pro Tier. You start January with 70 users and remove 10 users on January 11. The removed users will have access to Amazon Q Developer Pro through the end of the billing period, and you will be billed for them for the full billing period. At the end of the billing period, the removed users will no longer have access to Amazon Q Developer Pro. You will receive the bill on February 1.

Month January (31 days in month)
Users 70
Price $19/user per month
Cost calculations $19 x (31/31) days x 70 users
Total cost $1,330

Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation

Example 5:

Consider an organization with 10 Amazon Q Developer Pro subscriptions, and each user has been subscribed for the entire month. Each Amazon Q Developer Pro subscription offers access to Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation and includes 4,000 LOC for upgrade per month.

In January, one of the developers upgrades five Java applications, each with 2,500 LOC.
Code upgraded = 2,500 x 5 = 12,500 LOC
Upgrades included with the subscriptions = 10 x 4,000 = 40,000 LOC
Since the usage does not exceed the allocation, the organization will not be charged for Amazon Q Developer Agent for code transformation.

Example 6:

Now consider an organization with 20 Amazon Q Developer Pro subscriptions, and each user has been subscribed for the entire month.

  • This organization starts an upgrade campaign to upgrade 50 applications in a month.
  • The total code size of all applications to be upgraded is 250K lines of code.
  • Upgrades included with the subscriptions = 4,000 x 20 = 80,000 LOC
  • Charges for upgrades exceeding the allocation = (250,000 - 80,000) x $0.003 = $510