Posted On: Aug 18, 2016

Auto Scaling now features an enhanced console experience with new graphs that plot the behavior of group metrics. In addition, these metrics are now free of charge, and no longer require detailed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) detailed instance monitoring to be enabled. 

Auto Scaling group metrics allow you to monitor vital attributes of your Auto Scaling groups, such as the total number of Amazon EC2 instances that are currently in service. For example, you can monitor how your Auto Scaling group behaves under load, or configure an Amazon CloudWatch Alarm to notify you via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) when your Auto Scaling group reaches a certain capacity. Now, you can enable Auto Scaling group metrics free of charge, without the need to enable Amazon EC2 detailed monitoring. The Auto Scaling console also features new graphs that plot each metric in a different color, making it easy to visualize and compare the behavior of multiple Auto Scaling groups at once. 

You can enable Auto Scaling group metrics free of charge at any time. To get started, visit the Auto Scaling console or call EnableMetricsCollection using our API. To learn more about this feature, visit the Auto Scaling documentation.