Posted On: Feb 20, 2019

The new Quick Start for the Atlassian Standard Infrastructure (ASI) builds a highly available, secure virtual private cloud (VPC) that is customized to host Atlassian Data Center products such as Jira, Bitbucket Data Center, and Confluence Data Center on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud. 

The ASI contains all the components required for the deployment and integration of multiple Atlassian Data Center products within the same VPC, including network address translation (NAT) gateways and a Linux bastion host. The Quick Start exports the stack’s output values to expose the foundational components to other stacks. The Quick Starts for Jira, Bitbucket Data Center, and Confluence Data Center use the exported values to discover these underlying components, so you can easily provision multiple Atlassian products on this infrastructure.

The Jira, Bitbucket Data Center, and Confluence Data Center Quick Starts have been updated to use the ASI as a foundation and to deploy the latest versions of these products:

• Jira Software Data Center version 7.13.1
• Jira Service Desk version 4.0.0
• Bitbucket Data Center version 6.0.0
• Confluence Data Center version 6.13.2

To get started, view the architecture and details for each Quick Start, or visit the GitHub repos to view the AWS CloudFormation templates that automate each deployment:

For more AWS Quick Start reference deployments, see our catalog

Quick Starts are automated reference deployments that use AWS CloudFormation templates to deploy key technologies on AWS, following AWS best practices.

This Quick Start was built by Atlassian in collaboration with AWS solutions architects. Atlassian is an AWS Partner Network (APN) Partner.