Posted On: Dec 29, 2020

AWS Data Exchange Publisher Coordinator and AWS Data Exchange Subscriber Coordinator are new AWS Solutions Implementations that automate the publishing and consumption of data via AWS Data Exchange.

Previously, AWS Data Exchange customers were required to manually upload and download their dataset revisions, or create and maintain their own solutions for automation. With the Publisher and Subscriber solutions, customers can now reduce the operational burden of manual processes, and bypass the engineering complexity of building custom automation. AWS Data Exchange Publisher Coordinator and Subscriber Coordinator solutions simplify the collection, upload, and download of AWS Data Exchange dataset revisions by providing reliable mechanisms to automate the process. Harnessing the power of AWS CloudFormation and the AWS Data Exchange API, the Publisher and Subscriber solutions automatically provision the infrastructure necessary to manage the entire lifecycle of AWS Data Exchange dataset revisions.

For data providers, AWS Data Exchange Publisher Coordinator makes it easier to distribute datasets to subscribers by removing the need to build and maintain scalable infrastructure for the publication of dataset revisions. Publishers can upload new assets for dataset revisions and watch as those revisions are automatically applied to their products consistently and reliably. To learn more about AWS Data Exchange Publisher Coordinator, see the AWS Solutions Implementation webpage.

For data subscribers, AWS Data Exchange Subscriber Coordinator makes consumption of data easier and more efficient through seamless integration with Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Without any manual intervention, subscribers can automatically download the latest revisions of the datasets when they are released and begin processing that data without delay. To learn more about AWS Data Exchange Subscriber Coordinator, see the AWS Solutions Implementation webpage.

Additional AWS Solutions Implementations are available on the AWS Solutions Implementations webpage, where customers can browse solutions by product category or industry to find AWS-vetted, automated, turnkey reference implementations that address specific business needs.