Posted On: Jul 28, 2023

Amazon EC2 adds templates for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) to the Spot Blueprints portfolio. With Spot Blueprints, you can generate a reusable quick start template as CloudFormation or Terraform, based on your workload, and use the template to configure a compute environment using EC2 Spot Instances. This saves you time learning to use Spot Instances with services like Amazon ECS and start accessing the savings and scale that Spot Instances offer for interruptible workloads. 

Spot Blueprints gives you a jump start in using Spot Instances by providing a simple-to-follow infrastructure code template generator. Spot Blueprints takes your workload requirements and outputs infrastructure as code in AWS CloudFormation or Hashicorp Terraform format. The addition of Amazon ECS to Spot Blueprints supports both Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon Fargate, both capable of utilizing EC2 Spot Instances. When using EC2 instances, Spot Blueprints uses the latest best practices, like using Capacity Providers, Auto Scaling groups, and attribute-based instance selection for the most flexible and cost-effective infrastructure. Amazon Fargate is a serverless solution, where making decisions about instance types is made for you based on the immediate needs of a workload, removing instance definitions from the process.

Spot Bluprints is available in all AWS Regions, including the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. Get started with Amazon EC2 Spot instances today using Spot Blueprints by accessing the EC2 Spot console. If you don’t find a blueprint that you need, make a request through Spot Blueprints.