AWS Amplify Feature: Authentication

Faster, easier secure app authentication and authorization, powered by Amazon Cognito
Add Authentication to Your Application With AWS Amplify (1:34)

Amplify Auth lets you quickly set up secure authentication flows with a fully-managed user directory. Control what users have access to in your mobile and web apps with Amplify Auth's built-in authorization capabilities. Click options together or use guided commands to configure email and social sign-up/sign-in, forgot password, and multi-factor auth workflows.


Intuitive configuration

Intuitive configuration

The web-based Amplify Studio and the local Amplify CLI toolchain provide guided workflows and an intuitive use-case centric interface to add auth to your app.

Pre-built UI components

Pre-build UI components

Use the pre-built UI components to add sign-in and sign-up workflows to your app in a few lines of code. Integrates with React, React Native, Angular, Vue, Ionic, Next.js.

Fine-grained authorization

Fine-grained authorization

Amplify Studio and CLI facilitate the creation of fine-grained authorization policies that specify which authenticated app users and groups can access app data, files, and APIs.

User management

User management

Amplify Studio offers a way to manage authenticated users. Create/edit users and groups, update user properties, auto-verify signups, and more, without going through verification flows.

Web and mobile front-end libraries

Web and mobile front-end libraries

Authentication client libraries provide a simple API interface (Auth.signIn and Auth.signUp) to build custom login experiences for your app in a few lines of code. Amplify automatically handles refreshing login tokens and signing AWS service requests with short-term credentials.

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