Attracting Customers with New Digital Experiences

Talent strategy and leadership development program at Met Office

A conversation with Charles Ewen, the Director of Technology and CIO at Met Office

Charlie describes the talent strategy and leadership development program at Met Office, including the value of using exemplars as a mechanism for inspiring teams across vastly different functional domains.

Charlie describes the talent strategy and leadership development program at Met Office, including the value of using exemplars as a mechanism for inspiring teams across vastly different functional domains.

About the Leaders

Shaun Braun, Senior Vice President of Digital Transformation at 3M

Charles Ewen
Director of Technology and CIO at Met Office

Shaun Braun is the Senior Vice President of Digital Transformation at 3M.  In this role, Shaun is responsible for developing and leading the enterprise digital strategy including technical and commercial leadership across the business teams and enterprise operations.

Phil LeBrun
AWS Enterprise Strategist

Phil joined AWS as an Enterprise Strategist and Evangelist in September 2019. In this role, he shares practical lessons from his experiences implementing technology at scale. He uses these lessons to help enterprises succeed in achieving their own cloud-based technology goals to support organizational agility and customer-centricity. Connect with Phil. 

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