AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional

Showcase advanced skills in bridging software development and cloud operations

Exam overview

Category Professional
Exam duration 180 minutes
Exam format 75 questions, either multiple choice or multiple response
Cost 300 USD. Visit Exam pricing for additional cost information, including foreign exchange rates
Testing options
Pearson VUE testing center or online proctored exam
Languages offered English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese

AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional showcases advanced technical expertise in provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on AWS, giving you increased confidence and credibility with peers, colleagues, and customers. Organizations with these qualified professionals can ensure speedy delivery of secure and compliant systems that are highly available and scalable.

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Prepare for the exam

Go from start to certified. Follow our Exam Prep Plan on AWS Skill Builder, our online learning center, so you can approach exam day with confidence.

Get to know the exam with exam-style questions

Follow the 4-step plan.

Review the exam guide.

Rake the AWS Certification Official Practice Question Set to understand exam-style questions.


Refresh your AWS knowledge and skills

Enroll in digital courses where you need to fill gaps in knowledge and skills, practice with AWS Builder Labs, AWS Cloud Quest, and AWS Jam.

Review and practice for your exam

Enroll in an Exam Prep course. The Exam Prep Standard Course is available to anyone with an AWS Skill Builder account. The Exam Prep Enhanced courses include additional labs and exam-style questions.

Assess your exam readiness

Take the AWS Certification Official Practice Exam.

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