Why CloudWatch?

CloudWatch is a service that monitors applications, responds to performance changes, optimizes resource use, and provides insights into operational health. By collecting data across AWS resources, CloudWatch gives visibility into system-wide performance and allows users to set alarms, automatically react to changes, and gain a unified view of operational health.


Use cases

Monitor application performance

Visualize performance data, create alarms, and correlate data to understand and resolve the root cause of performance issues in your AWS resources

Perform root cause analysis

Analyze metrics, logs, logs analytics, and user requests to speed up debugging and reduce overall mean time to resolution

Optimize resources proactively

Automate resource planning and lower costs by setting actions to occur when thresholds are met based on your specifications or machine learning models

Test website impacts

Find out exactly when your website is impacted and for how long by viewing screenshots, logs, and web requests at any point in time

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