Sopra Banking Software

Leverage the power of digital customer engagement and harness the full value of Open Banking

Since the launch of the European Union's revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), Open Banking has become a priority investment in the banking sector. Ecosystem engagement, customer journeys, and improved end-to-end digital solutions are all key for banks looking to provide increasingly compelling customer experiences. At the heart of all of this is data and connectivity. By plugging into a wider ecosystem and sharing data (with end-customer consent), PSD2 and Open Banking allow banks to drastically improve their customer services. This can be achieved with Sopra Banking Software's Digital Banking Engagement Platform (DBEP). The solution combines customer engagement with Open Banking capabilities in order to design and launch data-enabled and behavior-based offers of single products and services or complex bundles, with fast customer onboarding.

Sopra Banking Software's DBEP offer can help banks remain competitive in a number of ways. With DBEP, banks can reduce costs and accelerate time to market. The subscription-based model can save banks up to 2-3 years of development costs, and the system can be up and running in a matter of months. DBEP provides customers with access to ready-to-use cloud-native customer engagement capabilities to personalize experiences for customers. The platform helps customers ensure compliance with PSD2 and can adopt Open Banking for enhanced data-driven financial services like automated user information collection for enhanced and fast onboarding, multi-banking, personal finance management, cash management, or quick and easy international money transfers.

Sopra Banking Software

AWS Partner Network | Competency


Adopt Open Banking
Connect to 2,500+ financial institutions with customizable use cases (such as multi-banking and personal financial management).
Comply with PSD2
Comply with regulatory technical standards with BerlinGroup NextGenPSD2 APIs, including sandboxing.
Create personalized journeys
Build on innovation to enhance customer experience and maximize performance.
Engage with your ecosystem
Enrich your digital services catalog and monetize access to data.
  • How it works
  • DBEP is a SaaS offering deployed on a virtual private cloud principle for each customer subscribing to the offering, with consultative services built in. 400+ banking APIs are exposed to extend core banking systems capabilities and to design innovative use cases for your customers.

    Sopra Banking Software believes there is an approach that allows businesses to keep up to date with the latest in innovative software while also saving time and money. That approach is to “adopt” where businesses choose to change their processes to suit innovative technology and software solutions.

    The “adopt” methodology is all about streamlining implementation, quickly improving efficiency, and establishing digital use cases that are stable, upgradable, and maintainable thanks to DBEP's reliability and flexibility. The "adopt" methodology requires openness to organizational change, rather than creating a customized software solution that’s almost impossible to maintain. For DBEP, "adopt" takes the form of three main stages with a feedback loop: Inception, Design, and Implementation.

    The Inception stage explores your key business challenges, unearths pain points, and identifies opportunities for enhanced customer journeys and experience. Establishing a shared understanding of the problem is also critical to finding the right solution.

    The Design stage uses design thinking to explore a wide set of ideas and create a shared vision of customer journeys that enhances customer experience and maximizes performance. Infinite customer journeys can be designed. For example: Implement fast and seamless customer onboarding. Secure access to customers’ identity information and financial situations to enhance your know-your-customer (KYC) process, reduce total cost of ownership, and decrease risk for your business with a lending life cycle from origination through servicing to collection. Support your customers transferring funds internationally in a cost-effective manner.

    The Implementation stage consists of building the selected customer journeys within DBEP, using both configurable Open Banking capabilities and technical microservices development capabilities. The rapid launch validates assumptions at pace through experimentation so that results can be measured and used to help decide next steps.

    The “adopt” methodology often gives Sopra Banking Software's clients a first-mover advantage. It equips them with a long-term solution so they can concentrate their investments on improving customer experience rather than wasting time and money on custom software.

  • Key activities
  • 1) Inception
    Understand the landscape you are operating in, filtering out the noise to focus on actionable insights.
    2) Design
    Make your ideas come to life. Then test and challenge them through discussion with a diverse group.
    3) Implementation
    Leverage DBEP to quickly boost customer engagement.
  • Customer contribution
  • Key stakeholder insights
    Collect valuable information on current pain points and business objectives.
    Redesign participation
    Active participation on redesigning current processes or designing new ways of relating to bank customers.

    Access to core banking resources

    Provide access to the core banking services for DBEP integration.
  • About this consultant
  • Sopra Steria is an AWS Partner offering consulting services and an AWS Financial Services Competency Partner with more than 500 certified AWS consultants. Sopra Steria's teams combine proven software packages with hard-hitting offers combining strategic advice, systems integration, software publishing, and infrastructure management, to help you successfully complete your transformation. By designing and industrializing tailored solutions for each banking ecosystem, Sopra Steria consultants act as a "transformation booster." They facilitate and accelerate transformation to optimize your existing model.

    Through the subsidiary Sopra Banking Software, Sopra Steria offers and implements powerful and agile software solutions. Using sector know-how spanning over 40 years and end-to-end experience working on customer projects, Sopra Steria creates value by providing innovation, digitalization, security, compliance, and managed services. To safeguard your position as a go-to player in your market both now and in the future, Sopra Steria teams help you to get the most out of your data. Moreover, Sopra Steria consultants can aid you in developing new partnerships to unlock the benefits of the best technological breakthroughs in a cost-efficient manner. Their goal is to help you develop a more consumer-centric approach to offer ever more personalized services while preserving margins.

  • Architecture diagram

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