Set up streaming ETL pipelines
with Apache Flink and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
- Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream
- Set up an Amazon Kinesis Data Generator
- Send sample data to a Kinesis Data Stream
- Create an Amazon S3 bucket
- Download code for a Kinesis Data Analytics application
- Modify application code
- Compile application code
- Upload Apache Flink Streaming Java code to S3
- Create, configure, and launch a Kinesis Data Analytics application
- Verify results
- Clean up resources
About this Tutorial | |
Time | 1 hour |
Cost | Less than $17 (assuming all services are running for two hours) |
Use Case | Internet of Things, Analytics |
Products | Amazon KDG, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics |
Audience | Developers |
Level | Intermediate |
Last Updated | November 16, 2021 |
Step 1: Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream
In this step, you will create a Kinesis Data Stream with one shard.
1.1 — Open the Amazon Kinesis services console and choose the Region where you want to create the Kinesis Data Stream resource.
1.4 – In the Data stream capacity section, choose 1 for the number of open shards, and then select Create data stream.
A single shard can ingest up to 1 MB of data per second (including partition keys) or 1,000 records per second for writes. If your application requires higher ingestion capabilities you can increase the shard count accordingly. The write and read capabilities of the entire stream gets updated dynamically in the Kinesis console under the Total data stream capacity. For more information, see Quotas and Limits.
Step 2: Set up Amazon Kinesis Data Generator
In this step, you will configure Amazon Kinesis Data Generator (KDG) to send sample data to a Kinesis Data Stream.
2.1 — Open the Amazon Kinesis Data Generator home page and select Create a Cognito User with CloudFormation. You will be redirected to AWS CloudFormation console.
Step 3: Send sample data to an Amazon Kinesis Data Stream
The Amazon Kinesis Data Generator generates records using random data based on a template you provide. The KDG extends faker.js, an open source random data generator.
In this step, you will use the KDG console to send sample data using a sample template using the faker.js documentation to the previously created Kinesis Data Stream created at one record per second rate and sustain the ingestion until the end of this tutorial to achieve reasonable data for analysis while remainder of steps are performed.
3.1 — On the KDG home page, perform the following actions:
- For Records per second, choose the Constant tab, and change the value to 1.
- For Record template, choose the Template 1 tab, and paste the following code sample into the text box.
"Hello there",
"How are you",
"Hi how are you"
3.2 — Then, choose Test Template.
3.5 — Open the Amazon Kinesis Data streams console, in the Data streams section, choose the previously created Kinesis data stream.
Step 4: Create Amazon S3 buckets
In this step, you will create the following Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets.
- kda-word-count-ka-app-code-location-<unique-name> to store the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics code
- kda-word-count-tutorial-bucket-<unique-name> to store the output word count of Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application
Note: Amazon S3 bucket names are required to be globally unique. When creating the S3 bucket, you must add a unique name at the end.
4.1 — Open the Amazon S3 console and choose Create Bucket.
4.2 — On the Create bucket page, in the General configuration section, enter the following details.
- For Bucket Name, type kda-word-count-ka-app-code-location-<unique-name>
- For AWS Region, select the AWS Region that was chosen in the previous steps.
Then, keep the default settings, and choose Create Bucket.
4.4 — On the Create bucket page, in the General configuration section, enter the following details.
- For Bucket Name, type kda-word-count-tutorial-bucket-<unique-name>
- For AWS Region, select the AWS Region that was selected in the previous steps.
Then, keep the default settings, and choose Create Bucket.
Step 5: Download the code for the Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application
In this step, you will download example Java application code available in GitHub that is used for the Kinesis Data Analytics application.
This step requires you to have Git client installed. For more information, see Installing Git.
5.1 — In a terminal window, run the following command to clone the remote repository.
git clone
5.2 — Then, run the following command to navigate to the directory.
cd amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-java-examples/S3Sink/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/services/kinesisanalytics
5.3 — The code in performs the word count at following excerpts :
input.flatMap(new Tokenizer()) // Tokenizer for generating words
.keyBy(0) // Logically partition the stream for each word
.timeWindow(Time.minutes(1)) // Tumbling window definition
.sum(1) // Sum the number of words per partition
.map(value -> value.f0 + " count: " + value.f1.toString() + "\n")
public static final class Tokenizer implements FlatMapFunction<String, Tuple2<String, Integer>> {
public void flatMap(String value, Collector<Tuple2<String, Integer>> out) {
String[] tokens = value.toLowerCase().split("\\W+");
for (String token : tokens) {
if (token.length() > 0) {
out.collect(new Tuple2<>(token, 1));
The incoming stream of records from Kinesis Data Stream, converts each record to lowercase and splits the record body at tab or spaces. For each word retrieved after the split, it creates a two dimensional tuple with word string and its count.
For example :
“Hi” becomes (Hi,1)
“Hi how are you” becomes (Hi,1) (how,1) (are, 1) (you,1)
Then, it partitions the stream of tuples using the first key (i.e. the word string) and performs a sum on second key (i.e. the count) for each partition under a tumbling window of one minute.
In the previous example, if no new records come up in the stream after 1 minute then the output of sum method would be :
(Hi,2) (how,1) (are, 1) (you,1)
Then, a map is created using the sum output and send it to S3Sink. This means that if the record ingestion is sustained then a file in the kda-word-count-tutorial-bucket-<unique-name> S3 bucket is created every minute with new-line separated character strings of following format:
Hi count: 824
how count: 124
are count: 210
you count: 100
Step 6: Modify the application code
In this step, you will modify the application code to point to the resources created in previous steps and also make the reads start from the very beginning of untrimmed records in Kinesis Data stream.
Then, you update the time window to 5 minutes and modify the output content within S3 files to comma-delimited new-line character separated strings with <word,count,window time> schema.
6.1 — Run the following command (or any other file editor) to modify the file.
sudo vi
6.2 — Then, modify the following variables:
- For region, type the region that was used in previous steps.
- For inputStreamName, type the name of the previously created Stream/delivery stream in Step 2.9.
- For s3SinkPath, type the string "s3a://bucket-placeholder/wordCount” where bucket-palceholder is the name of S3 bucket created in Step 4.4.
Note :
The STREAM_INITIAL_POSITION value is set to TRIM_HORIZON, which enables the Kinesis Data Analytics application to read from the oldest untrimmed data record. This will ensure all records ingested in Kinesis Data stream since the setup of KDG in earlier steps are read by the application and stored in the kda-word-count-tutorial-bucket-<unique-name> S3 bucket.
6.3 — In the file, replace line 52 with the following value.
.map(value -> value.f0 +","+ value.f1.toString() +","+ Timestamp.from(
6.4 — Replace line 50 with the following value.
.timeWindow(Time.minutes(5)) // Tumbling window definition
6.5 — Then, add the following lines of code after line 16.
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
Step 7: Compile the application code
In the step, you will compile the application code to create a .jar file of the modified code. This .jar is a required input for Kinesis Data Analytics.
7.1 — In a terminal, run the following command to navigate to the S3Sink directory.
cd amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-java-examples/S3Sink/
Step 8: Upload the Apache Flink Streaming Java Code to an Amazon S3 bucket
In the step, you will upload the Apache Flink Streaming Java Code to the kda-word-count-ka-app-code-location-<unique-name> S3 bucket.
8.1 — Navigate to the Amazon S3 console and choose the kda-word-count-ka-app-code-location-unique-name> bucket.
cd amazon-kinesis-data-analytics-java-examples/S3Sink/
Step 9: Create, configure, and start the Kinesis Data Analytics application
In the step, you will create, configure, and execute the Kinesis Data Analytics application.
9.1 — Navigate to the Kinesis Data Analytics console, on the Analytics applications page, choose Create application.
9.3 — In the Application configuration section, for Application name, type kda-word-count. Then, choose Create/update IAM role <kinesis-analytics-kda-word-count-region> with required policies.
9.7 — On the kda-word-count page, in the Application details section, choose the IAM role hyperlink.
9.9 — In the IAM console for Policies, in the Summary section, choose the Permissions tab, and choose Edit policy.
9.10 — On the Edit kinesis-analytics-service-kda-word-count-region page, choose the JSON tab, and paste the following code to the end of the policy.
Then, make the following changes:
- For “Resource”: replace with your Region and Account ID. (For example: "Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:ap-south-1:012345678901:stream/kda-word-count-tutorial".)
- For “Resource”: replace the s3 bucket names with the names of your previously created buckets.
For example:
- "arn:aws:s3:::kda-word-count-tutorial-bucket-<unique-name>",
- "arn:aws:s3:::kda-word-count-tutorial-bucket-<unique-name>/*"
- "arn:aws:s3:::kda-word-count-kda-app-code-location-<unique-name>"
- "arn:aws:s3:::kda-word-count-kda-app-code-location-<unique-name>/*"
"Sid": "ReadInputStream",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "kinesis:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:kinesis:ap-south-1:012345678901:stream/kda-word-count-tutorial"
"Sid": "WriteObjects",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Then, choose Review policy.
9.11 — Navigate to Kinesis Data Analytics application console kda-word-count page, and choose Run.
9.13 — Once the application starts successfully, the status shows as Running. Choose Open Apache Flink dashboard.
Step 10: Verify results
Random data ingestion from KDG into Kinesis Data Stream is sustained at one record per second and the Kinesis Data Analytics Application performs word counts on streaming records using a window of 5 minutes, so you should expect to see file creation in Amazon S3 every 5 minutes.
10.1 — Navigate to the Amazon S3 console, in the Bucket section, select the kda-word-count-tutorial bucket.
10.3 — Navigate to Amazon Athena console and select Explore the query editor.
10.4 — Select the Editor tab, in the Data section, for Data Source select, AwsDataCatalog from the drop down. Then, for Database, select default from the drop down.
10.5 — In the Query tab, paste the following query to create an external table for data generated by Kinesis data analytics application:
Note: Replace the LOCATION S3 bucket with the bucket created in Step 4.4.
Then, choose Run.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE kda_word_count_table (
word STRING,
count INT,
window_time TIMESTAMP
) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' LOCATION 's3://kda-word-count-tutorial-bucket/wordCount/';
10.6 — In a new Query editor tab, paste the following query to the list the word count of all available windows. Then, choose Run.
FROM "default"."kda_word_count_table"
order by window_time desc, count desc;
10.7— In a new Query editor tab, paste the following query to find the total count of words util a defined point.
Modify the fourth line of the query to add in a relevant timestamp, based on your use case. Then, choose Run.
SELECT word,
sum(count) AS total_count
FROM "default"."kda_word_count_table"
WHERE window_time > TIMESTAMP '2021-07-xx xx:xx’
ORDER BY total_count desc;
Step 11: Clean up resources
In this step, you will delete the resources you used in this tutorial.
Important: Deleting resources that are not actively being used reduces costs and is a best practice. Not deleting your resources will result in charges to your account.
11.1 — In the opened Kinesis Data Generator web page used in Step 3.4, select Stop Sending Data to Kinesis.
11.3 — In the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams console, select the kda-word-count-tutorial stream, and select Delete. Then, when prompted to confirm, type delete in the text box, select Delete.
You have created a streaming pipeline and performed ETL on top of it using Amazon Kinesis ecosystem services. Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink enables you to author and run code against streaming sources to perform time-series analytics, feed real-time dashboards, and create real-time metrics.
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