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Nexusguard's DNS Protection (DP) is designed to ensure the security and reliability of Domain Name System (DNS) services, which are critical for the functioning of the internet. The DNS is often targeted by cyberattacks, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can disrupt access to websites and online services. Nexusguard's DP provides a robust solution to these threats, employing advanced threat detection and mitigation technologies to protect DNS services from a wide range of cyberattacks. The solution is designed to maintain the availability and integrity of DNS services, ensuring that legitimate users can always access the websites and online services they rely on.

The DP can be deployed in two modes: Hosted Mode and Proxy Mode, each catering to different use cases. In Hosted Mode, Nexusguard takes over the DNS hosting responsibilities. This means that the DNS records are hosted on Nexusguard's infrastructure, which is fully managed and protected by their security measures. This mode is particularly suitable for organizations that prefer to outsource their DNS management to ensure high availability and enhanced security without the need for extensive in-house resources. Hosted Mode is ideal for businesses looking for a hands-off approach to DNS security, allowing them to benefit from Nexusguard's expertise and infrastructure.

Proxy Mode, on the other hand, is designed for organizations that wish to retain control over their DNS servers while still benefiting from Nexusguard's protection. In this mode, DNS queries are first routed through Nexusguard's infrastructure, where they are analyzed for threats. Legitimate queries are then forwarded to the organization's DNS servers. This setup allows for the mitigation of attacks before they reach the organization's infrastructure, effectively acting as a shield. Proxy Mode is well-suited for organizations with the capability and desire to manage their own DNS infrastructure but are looking for an additional layer of protection against DDoS attacks and other cyber threats. Both deployment modes offer flexible and effective solutions to ensure the security and reliability of DNS services, catering to the varying needs of different organizations.

Sold by Nexusguard
Fulfillment method Professional Services

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This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


When purchasing Nexusguard's DNS Protection service, users can expect the following levels of support:

24/7 Technical Support: Customers have access to round-the-clock technical support from experienced cybersecurity professionals. This ensures that any issues or concerns can be addressed promptly, minimizing potential downtime or disruptions to service. (

Dedicated Account Manager: Each client is assigned a dedicated account manager who serves as the primary point of contact for all service-related inquiries. The account manager is responsible for understanding the client's specific needs and ensuring a tailored service experience.

Online Support Portal: Nexusguard provides an online support portal where clients can submit support tickets, access a knowledge base with documentation and FAQs, and track the status of their inquiries. This portal is designed to streamline the support process and provide quick access to important information.

Training and Education Resources: Clients have access to a range of training materials and educational resources designed to enhance their understanding of DNS security best practices and the features of Nexusguard's service. This may include webinars, tutorials, and user guides.

Community Forum: Nexusguard may offer a community forum where clients can share experiences, ask questions, and learn from the collective knowledge of the Nexusguard user community. This peer-to-peer support channel can be a valuable resource for practical advice and tips. (

Emergency Response Team: In the event of a significant cyber attack, Nexusguard's emergency response team is on standby to provide immediate assistance. This team is equipped to rapidly assess and mitigate threats, ensuring minimal impact on the client's services.