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This free dataset contains 20+ years of end-of-day historical data for the top 10 US companies by market cap as of September 5, 2020. Data is delivered in CSV format.
Free | 12 month subscription available.
This free dataset contains 20+ years of end-of-day historical data for the top 10 US companies by market cap as of September 5, 2020. Data is delivered in CSV format.
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Federal Reserve Board's data download program provides free and open access to various financial and economic data. This listing contains daily exchange rates of major currencies against the U.S. dollar for the past 10 business days. The data are noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers...
Free | 1 month subscription available.
Last Month's US average hourly earnings by industry. This dataset is updated on the first Friday of each month after Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the latest employment figures. If you need the latest month's data along with 20 years of history, please check out our Premium Data Offering.
Free | 12 month subscription available.
This release contains information on the amount of vehicles sold per month in the United States.
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Historical H-1B visa filings published by the Office of Foreign Labor Certification. Datasets are useful for the understanding of hiring trends by sector, geography, and employer.
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This product contains a historical time-series data of the 5-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate (DGS5) retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED) at Data coverage starts from 1962-01-02. The unit of data column is Percent and...
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General info on over 9 Million companies
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Population estimates for every county in the US sourced from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 (Census Bureau), Table B01003 - Total Population. Enigma used GEOID provided by the Census Bureau to add State FIPS, State name and County FIPS, to help with analysis and joining to other...
Free | 3 month subscription available.
Purchase intent and consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. Coverage of the brands and products of 14 publicly-traded Fast Food Restaurants. Historical data through 6 months ago, updates daily. 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
Free | 12 month subscription available.
World Bank Open Data provides free and open access to various global development data. This release contains Carbon dioxide emissions in kiloton (kt) by all countries in the world. The data is available from year 1960. Carbon dioxide emissions, largely by-products of energy production and use,...
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