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Enigma delivers the real-world intelligence that empowers organizations to make better decisions every day.
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Millions of shipments into every US port, collected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Data includes manufacturers, shipper contact details, vessel country codes, carriers, cargo descriptions and HTS codes, for use in the analysis of international supply chains, global trade, the effect of tariffs and trafficking investigations.
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This is the dataset for the 500 Cities project 2018 release, by zip code. This dataset includes 2016, 2015 model-based small area estimates for 27 measures of chronic disease related to unhealthy behaviors, health outcomes, and use of preventive services.
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Millions of records of each inspection conducted Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) between 1970 and the current year. Tables include the violations that resulted from the inspections and the status of remediation.
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Population estimates for every county in the US sourced from the American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 (Census Bureau), Table B01003 - Total Population. Enigma used GEOID provided by the Census Bureau to add State FIPS, State name and County FIPS, to help with analysis and joining to other datasets.
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Data tracking implementation and phase-out of government measures in response to the coronavirus pandemic, including economic stimulus packages, border closures, limits on imports and exports, public services closures, and surveillance.
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Global coronavirus (COVID-19) data, including US county level data, tracking the number of confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries and individuals tested for the virus. From April 11, 2020 data will be updated daily to match the update frequency at source.
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In response to the ongoing crisis, journalists at the New York times have made their COVID-19 dataset publicly available to help researchers, scientists and government officials better understand the COVID-19 outbreak. Data is compiled from state and local governments, as well as health departments, and is available on county and state levels.
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A comprehensive listing of businesses and entities with federal tax liens, as recorded by the IRS Automated Lien System database.
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Over 1.3m historical complaints made to CFPB by consumers regarding financial products in the United States. Includes the responsible company, product type, and issue type.
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Time series data of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and number of deaths, by county. Data is collated by USAFacts, a not-for-profit nonpartisan civic organization. Enigma searches for updates and publishes data every 6 hours.
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