CoolPlanetOS is our cloud-based IIOT energy, water, resources and process optimisation platform that provides real-time monitoring and analysis of consumption, delivering tailored solutions that transform the way energy is consumed. CoolPlanetOS can act as a stand-alone platform or it can intergrate seamlessly with existing systems, effectively building a digital twin of the clients processs and utilities feeding those processes via real time and modelled data. It is capeable of delivering live feasiblily study dashboards on potential projects, allowing the user to make fully informed decisiomns based on savings available and how a new iniative interacts with current plant and processses. It takes disperate data sets and converts them into powerful, actionable insights that reduce both energy & carbon whilst helping to drive process optimisation and increasing production yield. It gives you a full overview of your energy consumption with fully customisable dashboards and tailored reports to help clearly visualise this and act upon insights. During the POV stage, success milestones are agreed upon with the client prior to live POV.
- Data Driven - Converts disparate data from one or more sites into a single holistic overview with easily understood dashboards Value Centric - Delivers benefits beyond initial 15%+ energy reduction incl. maintenance savings, preventative downtime, process optimisation & production improvements over time Insight Focused - Builds a digital twin of your site to uncover opportunities and convert data into actions that drive value supported by SME (subject matter experts)
- Platform Live - Communicates information with live reporting & alerts to see and respond in real time System Agnostic - Easily integrated with any existing brand or software & compatible with all recognised IT security protocols
- Customisable - Allows dashboards, reports and workbenches to be easily built, tailored and managed by the client to their own site requirements Measurable - Continually measures & verifies savings to independent international accredited standards to ensure they are maintained
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+353 1 274 8880 info@coolplanet.io
The decarbonistation platform of choice for global brands.