iFeu Helps Customers Achieve Robust Backup and 60 Percent Reduction in Compliance Costs


Informàtica Feu, SL (iFeu) is a leading Spain-based managed services provider that offers cloud and infrastructure strategies to small and medium-sized businesses. To quickly and easily service its customers across 100+ Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts from a single console and reduce customer compliance costs by 60% while giving them 24/7 secure data access, iFeu uses N2WS Backup & Recovery on AWS Marketplace. It procured N2WS through a free trial in AWS Marketplace.

managed services cloud strategies

It’s important to be able to have backup of our AWS environment because we have a lot of configurations. And it’s important that we can manage our customer’s environments without touching their data.”

Jordi Pujol

Cloud Architect, iFeu

Modernizing Infrastructure to Grow with Business Demands

As a managed service provider, Informàtica Feu, SL (iFeu) must comply with Spain’s strict cloud, data, and security policies. The company’s customer base is primarily on-premises businesses that also desire the benefits of cloud, including scalability, speed, and flexibility. In an effort to grow with its customers’ needs, the company endeavored to provide a seamless cloud migration process without sacrificing compliance and security.

A large share of iFeu’s customers rely on VMware and, while drawn to cloud computing, remain skeptical of the required upfront investment. Asking customers to support a full-scale migration to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) would have been a larger commitment than they were prepared for.

The iFeu Cloud Team needed a central, enterprise-level backup and disaster recovery platform for AWS, along with the ability to orchestrate everything from a single console. It also had to be a multi-tenant solution that was extensible from the client’s own environment but didn’t touch their data.

An Automated Disaster Recovery System

iFeu Cloud found its ideal solution in AWS Marketplace. It chose the top-rated N2WS Backup & Recovery because of its robust backup and recovery features. It automates the backup and recovery of each type of instance and volume already employed by iFeu, including EC2 instances, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes, and Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). This also helps iFeu to securely manage over 100 AWS accounts from a single console. Jordi Pujol, a cloud architect at iFeu stated, “It’s important to be able to have backup of our AWS environment because we have a lot of configurations. And it’s important that we can manage our customers’ environments without touching their data.”

Compliance Costs Reduced 60%

The N2WS Disaster & Recovery multi-tenant solution brought almost immediate results to the iFeu Cloud team, including reducing customer compliance costs by 60 percent.

Another key benefit of N2WS adoption was unprecedented mobility in data access to iFeu’s customers. They now have 24x7 secure data access with near-zero recovery time objective (RTO) for all configurations including Amazon EBS volumes, EC2 instances, and virtual private cloud (VPC) configurations.

With N2WS in place, iFeu now provides reporting and self-service features to its customers across more than 100 AWS accounts. Ultimately, iFeu saved hundreds of hours in labor and management time without sacrificing security, allowing the company to maintain its dependability and customer trust.

The N2WS Disaster & Recovery multi-tenant solution brought almost immediate results to the iFeu Cloud team, including reducing customer compliance costs by 60 percent.

About iFeu

A leading managed services provider in Spain, iFeu has offered data center strategies to small and medium-sized businesses in the greater Barcelona area for over 20 years. iFeu works with a wide range of customers, including financial services, healthcare, and manufacturing.

About the Seller - N2W Software

N2WS Cloud Protection Manager is the AWS backup and disaster recovery solution of choice for thousands of customers worldwide. Combining the agility of the cloud with the robustness and feature richness required by today's organizations, CPM supports EC2, EBS, RDS, Redshift, Aurora, EFS, and DynamoDB.

Benefits of AWS

  • 60 percent reduction in compliance costs
  • 100 percent mobility in data access for both users and customers
  • Simplified account management through a single console
  • Hundreds of labor and management hours saved
  • Near-zero response time objective (RTO)


AWS Services Used

AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on AWS.

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Amazon EBS

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) is an easy to use, high performance block storage service designed for use with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for both throughput and transaction intensive workloads.

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Amazon VPC

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a virtual network that you define.

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Amazon EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud.

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