Break a Monolithic Application into Microservices with AWS Copilot, Amazon ECS, Docker, and AWS Fargate


Module Five: Clean Up

In this module, we will clean up the resources that you deployed in previous modules


Best practice is to delete resources when the tutorial is complete to avoid ongoing charges for running services. However, you may wish to keep the resources and services deployed for a detailed examination of the infrastructure or as template for future deployments.

What you will accomplish

In this module, you will terminate the resources you created during this tutorial. You will stop the services running on Amazon ECS, delete the ALB, and delete the AWS CloudFormation stack to terminate the Amazon ECS cluster, including all underlying EC2 instances.

 Minimum time to complete

10 minutes

 Services used

  • Amazon Elastic Container Service
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
  • Elastic Load Balancer


Step 1: Delete the application

You can delete all services and infrastructure by entering copilot app delete --name api .


Congratulations! You have completed the Break a Monolithic Application into Microservices tutorial. You learned how to run a simple monolithic application in a Docker container, deploy the same application as microservices, and then switch traffic to the microservices without any downtime. 

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Get an overview of running and managing large-scale applications as microservices using Amazon ECS. Watch the presentation »

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Learn best practices for building and running microservices on AWS to speed up deployment cycles, foster innovation, and improve scalability. Read the whitepaper »