Posted On: Mar 21, 2017

The Amazon CloudWatch Events service now supports AWS Step Functions state machines as event targets. Amazon CloudWatch Events enables you to respond quickly to application availability issues or configuration changes that might impact performance or security by notifying you of AWS resource changes in near-real-time. You simply write rules to indicate which events are of interest to your application and what automated action to take when a rule matches an event. You can, for example, invoke AWS Lambda functions or notify an Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic. Now, you can also send the matching events to an AWS Step Functions state machine to start a workflow responding to the event of interest, such as managing copies of Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots upon snapshot completion.

You may also schedule execution of AWS Step Functions state machines at intervals down to 1-minute to automate processes such as synchronizing S3 buckets nightly.

AWS Step Functions is available in the US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), EU (Frankfurt), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) regions.

Please visit our website for more information on Amazon CloudWatch Events and AWS Step Functions: