Posted On: Oct 10, 2019

When using Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), you can now view detailed billing at the database instance level. This information is available for RDS automated database backups and manual database snapshots, and can be viewed in AWS Cost Explorer and Cost and Usage Report (CUR).

Once you create tags for your RDS DB instances, you can separate RDS backup charges in AWS Cost Explorer according to the tags of the corresponding DB instances. When you view your Cost and Usage Report (CUR), you’ll find that the ResourceId for each RDS ChargedBackup line contains the name of the corresponding DB instance, and tags associated with the DB instance are marked in additional columns. Note that detailed backup charges have been activated as of October 8, 2019. Your RDS backup charges prior to this date will continue to show up as a single line item per region in your bill.

Amazon RDS detailed backup storage billing is enabled for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server database engines across all AWS regions. You can learn more by reading our blog post on setting up RDS detailed backup storage billing or log into AWS Cost Explorer to get started.