Posted On: Jun 23, 2020

Modern marketers look to data to understand their customers to deliver the right message, on the right channel, at the right time. These marketers require messaging tools that can execute across multiple channels at scale and analytics tools to gain insights from customer engagement. 

Digital User Engagement Events Database is a new AWS Solutions Implementation that automatically provisions and configures the AWS services necessary to start analyzing the real-time stream of engagement data from Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) using Amazon Athena. The deployed event database follows best practices and can be queried directly by data analysts or pulled into visualization tools like Amazon QuickSight to create custom dashboards. Amazon Pinpoint provides customers a powerful tool to orchestrate and deliver communications using email, SMS, voice, and mobile push channels. In addition to providing rich dashboards showing aggregate engagement data, both Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon SES allow you to stream engagement events in real-time to Amazon Kinesis. These events include email sends, email opens, email clicks, email bounces, email spam complaints, SMS sends, SMS failures, SMS opt outs, push sends, and custom application events.

To learn more about Digital User Engagement Events Database, see the AWS Solutions Implementation webpage.

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