Posted On: Nov 29, 2022

Torn Write Prevention (TWP) is a feature that ensures 16KiB write operations are not torn in the event of operating system crashes or power loss during write transactions. This feature is available for AWS customers using instance store on AWS Nitro SSD based EC2 I4i storage optimized instances, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), a block storage service, when attached to all EC2 Nitro-based instances, and Amazon Relational Database Services (RDS), a fully managed, open-source cloud database.

TWP enables customers running databases such as MySQL or MariaDB on EC2, EBS, and managed services like Amazon RDS, to turn off the double write operation, thereby accelerating database performance Transactions per Second (TPS) by up to 30% without compromising the resiliency of their workloads. With additional performance unlocked, customers can now support their business growth without having to over provision or scale up their clusters, saving cost. For Amazon RDS users, Amazon RDS Optimized Writes uses TWP’s technology to improve write transaction throughput by up to 2x for RDS for MySQL customers at no additional cost. 

For customers using AWS EC2 I4i instances, they can use TWP in those regions where I4i instance is available. For customers with EBS volumes attached to Nitro instances, TWP is available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Sydney, Tokyo) with support for more regions coming soon. For more information on Amazon EC2 storage optimized instances, visit here. For more information on Amazon EBS, visit here. For more information on Amazon RDS Optimized Writes, visit here. For more information on how to use TWP, see our documentation.