Cohere Command & Embed in Amazon Bedrock

Build enterprise generative AI and advanced multilingual applications with Cohere

Introducing Cohere’s Enterprise Foundation Models

Command R+ is Cohere's most advanced large language model, designed specifically for real-world enterprise applications. Command R+ balances efficiency and accuracy, empowering businesses to move beyond proof-of-concept and start utilizing AI in day-to-day operations. It supports 10 key business languages and excels at retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) use cases.

Command R is a powerful and versatile language model designed for businesses. It supports 10 languages and excels at long-context tasks, making it ideal for global enterprises. With a focus on efficiency and accuracy, Command R is optimized for RAG use cases. It adeptly handles text-generation tasks and is well-suited for full-scale AI implementation in enterprises.

Cohere Embed is a text embedding model that offers leading performance in 100+ languages. It translates text into vector representations which encode semantic meaning. Enterprises use this model to power search and retrieval systems. It is capable of outputting compressed embeddings (int8 and binary) to improve latency and reduce storage costs.


With a context window of up to 128K tokens, the Command R models understand and generate responses within a broad context, making them ideal for complex workflows with large document ingestion, relevant citations with advanced retrieval, and tool use.
The Command R models have the capability for multilingual generation across 10 key business languages including: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Chinese.
Command R+ supports multi-step tool use which allows the model to combine multiple tools over multiple steps to accomplish difficult tasks. The model can even correct itself when it tries to use a tool and fails, enabling the model to make multiple attempts at accomplishing the task and increasing the overall success rate.
Command R models are designed to enhance productivity by seamlessly integrating generative AI capabilities into everyday apps and workflows. Businesses can now streamline their processes and improve overall efficiency, leading to better business outcomes. With Command R+, enterprises can unlock new possibilities and elevate employee and customer experiences.
Cohere instills robust data privacy measures, allowing customers to retain complete control over their data. From customization to model inputs and outputs, businesses can rest assured that their sensitive information remains secure and under their supervision.

Meet Cohere's Command FM

Command is a text generation model for business use cases.

Use cases

Using RAG with Cohere models, an investment platform built an AI assistant for its clients to ask complex questions and get synthesized answers across financial reports, analyst research, investor call transcripts, and other data.

Using RAG with Cohere models, a CRM SaaS company built a tech support AI assistant to provide conversational responses to common queries based on product docs and internal knowledge bases.

Cohere partnered with a financial services company to create a seamless solution using Command and Embed with RAG. This enables leaders and managers to ask complex questions, retrieving data from previously inaccessible data sources. The models work together to break tasks and data retrieval into multiple steps for more accurate responses.

A customer deployed Command to summarize multi-modal files, including PowerPoint decks, notes, PDFs, and more. They trained the model using previous contract negotiation materials and summaries created by skilled global procurement staff.

Cohere worked with a global consultancy to build a custom RAG solution using Cohere's Command and Embed models. Consultants can now ask questions and get rapid, accurate answers with citations from an intelligent assistant.

Model version

Command R+

Command R+ is Cohere's most powerful generative language model optimized for long-context tasks, such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and multi-step tool use.

Max tokens: 128K

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Chinese

Fine-tuning supported: No

Supported use cases: Text generation, text summarization, chat, knowledge assistants, Q&A, RAG.

Command R

Command R is Cohere's generative language model optimized for long-context tasks, such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and tools, and large scale production workloads.

Max tokens: 128K

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Chinese

Fine-tuning supported: No

Supported use cases: Text generation, text summarization, chat, knowledge assistants, Q&A, RAG.


Command is Cohere’s generative large language model (LLM).

Max tokens: 4K

Languages: English

Fine-tuning supported: Yes

Supported use cases: Chat, text generation, text summarization.

Command Light

Command Light is a smaller version of Command, Cohere's generative LLM.

Max tokens: 4K

Languages: English

Fine-tuning supported: Yes

Supported use cases: Chat, text generation, text summarization.

Embed - English

Embed is Cohere's text representation, or embeddings, model.
This version supports English only.

Dimensions: 1024

Languages: English

Fine-tuning supported: No

Supported use cases: Semantic search, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), classification, clustering.

Embed - Multilingual

Embed is Cohere's text representation, or embeddings, model.
This version supports multiple languages.

Dimensions: 1024

Languages: Multilingual (100+ supported languages)

Fine-tuning supported: No

Supported use cases: Semantic search, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), classification, clustering.