
Channy Yun

Author: Channy Yun

Channy Yun is a Principal Developer Advocate for AWS, and passionate about helping developers to build modern applications on latest AWS services. A pragmatic developer and blogger at heart, he loves community-driven learning and sharing of technology, which has funneled developers to global AWS Usergroups. His main topics are open-source, container, storage, network & security, and IoT. Follow him on Twitter at @channyun.

新增功能 – AWS CloudTrail Lake 支持从非 AWS 来源摄取活动事件

亚马逊云科技宣布支持使用 CloudTrail Lake 接收来自非亚马逊云科技来源的活动事件,使其成为用于审计和安全调查的不可变用户和 API 活动事件的单一位置。现在,您可以在一个位置整合、不可变地存储、搜索和分析来自亚马逊云科技和非亚马逊云科技来源(例如内部或 SaaS 应用程序)的活动事件。