Amazon Fraud Detector
Detect online fraud faster with machine learning
Up to 30,000 fraud predictions
per month free with the AWS Free Tier
Build, deploy, and manage fraud detection models without previous machine learning (ML) experience.
Gain insights from your historical data, plus 20+ years of Amazon experience, to construct an accurate, customized fraud detection model.
Start detecting fraud immediately, easily enhance models with customized business rules, and deploy results to generate critical predictions.
Detect online fraud faster with machine learning
Get started with Amazon Fraud Detector
Up to 30,000 fraud predictions per month free with the AWS Free Tier.
Build, deploy, and manage fraud detection models without previous machine learning (ML) experience. Gain insights from your historical data, plus 20+ years of Amazon experience, to construct an accurate, customized fraud detection model. Start detecting fraud immediately, easily enhance models with customized business rules, and deploy results to generate critical predictions.
How it works
Use cases
Identify suspicious online payments
Reduce online payment fraud by flagging suspicious online payment transactions before processing payments and fulfilling orders.
Detect new account fraud
Accurately distinguish between legitimate and high-risk account registrations so you can selectively introduce additional checks—such as phone or email verification.
Prevent trial and loyalty program abuse
Spot accounts likely to abuse online services and set appropriate limits on the value of offers to minimize risk.
Improve account takeover detection
Easily embed in real-time account login flow to detect accounts that have been compromised while minimizing friction for legitimate users.
How to get started
Try the AWS Free Tier
Get up to 30,000 Online Fraud Insights, Transaction Fraud Insights, and rules-based predictions per month free for two months.
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See how organizations worldwide are using Amazon Fraud Detector to catch online fraud faster.
Discover product features
Learn what fully managed Amazon Fraud Detector offers.