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    jambonz mini system (single instance)

    Sold by: jambonz 
    single-instance jambonz CPaaS for developer testing and small production loads
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    jambonz mini system (single instance)

    Sold by: jambonz 


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    Single-instance jambonz CPaaS for developer testing and small production loads. (Note: This product includes a userdata script that downloads services and data from AWS in order to install and configure CloudWatch, and downloads from to protect against malicious SIP traffic)


    • Easy to install
    • low-cost solution for deploying jambonz CPaaS in a developer or test environment


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    Delivery method

    Delivery option
    jambonz single instance cpaas

    Latest version

    Operating system
    Debian 12


    jambonz mini system (single instance)

    Pricing is based on a fixed monthly subscription cost. You pay the same amount each month for unlimited usage of the product. Pricing is prorated, so you're only charged for the number of days you've been subscribed. Subscriptions have no end date and may be canceled any time.
    Additional AWS infrastructure costs may apply. Use the AWS Pricing Calculator  to estimate your infrastructure costs.

    Subscription cost


    Vendor refund policy

    We do not currently support refunds, but you can cancel at any time.


    Vendor terms and conditions

    Upon subscribing to this product, you must acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the vendor's End User License Agreement (EULA) .

    Content disclaimer

    Vendors are responsible for their product descriptions and other product content. AWS does not warrant that vendors' product descriptions or other product content are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.

    Usage information


    Delivery details

    jambonz single instance cpaas

    single-instance jambonz CPaaS for developer testing and small production loads. (Note: this product includes an external dependency on It retrieves a list of spam-origination IP addresses from and blocks traffic from those Ips)

    CloudFormation Template (CFT)

    AWS CloudFormation templates are JSON or YAML-formatted text files that simplify provisioning and management on AWS. The templates describe the service or application architecture you want to deploy, and AWS CloudFormation uses those templates to provision and configure the required services (such as Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon RDS DB instances). The deployed application and associated resources are called a "stack."

    Additional details

    Usage instructions

    Access the application portal via a browser at http://. Log in using user admin and as password the instance id, and then change the password.

    jambonzInstance: connects to external endpoints from cloud-init script to retrieve and block IP addresses of known SIP attackers, provided by IamCloudwatchRole: An IAM role that allows us the instance to send logs to CloudWatch


    Vendor resources


    Vendor support

    AWS infrastructure support

    AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services.

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