As organizations migrate and build their enterprise analytics capabilities on AWS, they are faced with a decision regarding whether or not to lift and shift their legacy Enterprise Business Intelligence content (reports, dashboards and meta data) and platform. The emergence of enterprise capabilities in Amazon QuickSight has made it a viable alternative to support such initiatives. With the architectures and implementations of legacy vendors being dramatically different to a cloud-native platform like Amazon QuickSight, Ironside invested to create AscentIQ for Enterprise BI, an offering to assist your organization in assessing your current analytics content and vendor implementation and planning an approach for your migration/re-platforming with necessary due-diligence in determining overall viability.
Ironside Ascent.IQ for Enterprise BI migration: the Align Phase includes the following key steps:
- Discovery Analysis & Survey: Ironside will conduct a discovery call with your team to gain a high-level understanding of your technology landscape, identify analytics use cases and feature needs to assist in guiding your due diligence process. At the conclusion of the discovery call, Ironside will provide a Survey and Checklist for you to complete. Once complete, these artifacts are leveraged by Ironside to plan the next work items for the Due Diligence effort.
- Migration Staging: Ascent.IQ has been designed to be as non-invasive for your organization as possible, leveraging AWS to stage the components of your existing environment as we apply our tooling to assess your current state. Our configured AWS Accounts are enabled with our tooling to run against your data and content specifications (e.g Content/Audit Store). We work with your team to collect and transfer the representative data and configuration of the environment you intend to migrate to Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports.
- Migration Assessment: Ironside will leverage AscentIQ assets to assess your BI implementation that has been established in the Migration Staging Environment. AscendReporting will consider your organization content in the contexts of usage (to create an inventory), complexity and compatibility (to categorize your content in terms of ease, effort and cost).
- Assessment Readout: Ironside will develop an Executive Summary Presentation and detailed analysis report that provides the information necessary for you to estimate the effort and costs associated with the migration of your organization content to Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports, including the following:
- Usage: Which reporting content and meta data are meaningfully being used to justify migrating to Amazon QuickSight, which content can be rationalized/prioritized.
- Capability and Feature Alignment: Outline feature capabilities that users will see in their future state with Amazon QuickSight.
- Business Case: Provide 3 year cost projection for running your enterprise BI use cases on Amazon QuickSight and supporting AWS Services.
- High-Level Future Architecture: Translation of Legacy Components/Terminology to AWS/Amazon QuickSight.
- Migration Complexity: Classification of content: which content can be migrated via Ironside AscendIQ automation, which content migrates with additional effort, and which content can be considered for future phases.
- MVP Migration Scope: Define Minimally Viable Product (MVP) for your organization to validate your Enterprise Business Intelligence content can be migrated to Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports.
- Tooling and methodologies to access your current platform for migration to Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports
- Defines opportunities to accelerate and automate migration to Amazon QuickSight Paginated Reports
- Operational Transition to Amazon QuickSight and other AWS Data Analytics Services
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