Nomad Media QuickStart Program - Light Option - Dedicated Professional Services
The Light Option allows customers to buy a small block of professional services hours that will be used as needed to configure and customize the Nomad Platform.
QuickStart efforts could include, but not limited to:
- Dedicated infrastructure setup for VPNs, Direct Connects and other dedicated components.
- Custom API development.
- Dedicated resources for business and functional requirements gathering.
- IAM Security policy reviews and setup for dedicated users.
- Assist the customer with establishing user and group permissions in Nomad.
- Active Directory SSO Integration.
- Integrate Nomad Platform with customer's AWS account and storage locations.
- Assist the customer with media test loading and analysis.
- Assist the customer with organizing and optimizing file asset structure.
- Assist the customer with content definitions and data schema that are specific to the customer.
- Assist the customer with storage optimization and storage cost reduction.
- Branding the Nomad Content Portal UI with customer specific logo and color schema.
- Extended education for both developers and support personnel using the Nomad Platform.
- The Nomad Media Quickstart Program - Light Option is intended to aid the customer start using and configuring Nomad quickly, with a smaller block of dedicated service hours.
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Support Contacts: support@nomad-cms.com
Nomad Media offers tiered support with dedicated phone, chat and email. Support options include technical engineering, issue resolution, business process consulting, and professional services. Nomad Media also provides technical and developer documentation for deployment, setup, configuration and API assistance through our support center. Please contact us at https://www.nomad-cms.com/nomad-support/ or for sales and licensing assistance contact support@nomad-cms.com .