Does Ransomware have you concerned? It should with all the new AI capabilities allowing Ransomware criminals to penetrate your systems and hold your company hostage. 86% of Ransomware attacks start through email and are undetected for over 100+ days on average allowing attackers to penetrate your systems.
We will provide a free Barracuda Networks email scan of your system and show your email vulnerabilities so you can learn how to protect against them. The scan tool shows company specific information to you and your company only, summary data without any proprietary information is the outcome to us so we can provide a high-level summary. Based on that synopsis, we can have our experts review options for protection and more importantly discuss options available to store your DR images in AWS so in the worst case scenario, you can wipe your machines clean and start over without having to pay a ransom.
An even more effective and better way to protect against Ransomware is to detect it upfront and remediate it immediately so the threat never materializes. We will provide you with summarized recommendations on how you can protect your organization and let you decide on the best course forward based on business needs and budgetary contraints.
- Free email assessment scan
- Protect against Ransomware
- Experts in Security
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Please contact KH Technologies for your free security assessment and email scan coupled with recommendations for AWS DR.
Visit us: https://www.khtechcloud.com/barracuda-networks-software/
Email: sales@khtechcloud.com
Contact Us URL: https://www.khtechcloud.com/contact-us/
Customers can call 980-528-2289