Whether you’re new to AWS or have been using AWS for a while, Rackspace Advisory services can provide you with the expertise needed to help you establish a foundation of AWS Best practices aimed to optimize your cloud footprint and align with your business goals.
The Rackspace Advisory team is Well-Architected & Cloud certified. It has a deep understanding of the balance required to ensure responsibility and control through an organization while maximizing the benefits of the cloud. We use MontyCloud Day2 automated tooling to scan your AWS infrastructure and perform analysis to recommend improvements based on AWS best practices. Our deliverable is a remediation roadmap that quantifies the level of effort, provides remediation steps by a named resource, and prioritizes actions by level of importance & cost. The roadmap includes details to maximize AWS Well-Architected credits that can be received upon remediating key issues discovered and put into the roadmap. In addition, we will help you complete the WAFR review and any associated paperwork for applicable AWS credits.
Key Features
- Automated scan to identify infrastructure not configured to best practices
- Rackspace analysis and recommendations across 6 pillars of the Well-Architected framework
- Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Cost Optimization, Performance Efficiency, Sustainability
- One 4-hour Well-Architected questionnaire session for 1 workload
- Identify High Risk issues that align with the Well-Architected framework
- Current state Well-Architected report
- Identify all workloads that are eligible for AWS Well-Architected Credits
- Up to $2,000 of credits per workload may be available upon remediation
- Remediation plan that maximizes the AWS credit potential for all eligible workloads
- Plan includes level of importance and effort that can be used to plan execution, either by internal or third-party resources
- Completed Well Architected Framework Review
- Remediation roadmap prioritized by importance and cost/ level of effort
Custom pricing options
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