LogStare Collector is software in a part of LogStare software line-up, which is available on the environment you can choose whichever your on-premises or your clouds and this is for improving the security on your systems. The software can monitor to any devices you are managing in a real time for the sustainability to running, which has the functions that alerting you with e-mail, incorporating any logs from any devices and searching all of the collected data. This will make sure you to manage them easily. Furthermore, LogStare Collector can collaborate with SaaS Service('LogStare Reporter') that LogStare Inc is providing, which can integrate the multiple LogStare Collector.
- This EULA is applied to any customers. You have to agree this EULA begore using this software provided by LogStare inc.
- This product does not have the CVE-2022-22965.
Typical total price
Features and programs
Financing for AWS Marketplace purchases
Instance type | Product cost/hour | EC2 cost/hour | Total/hour |
m3.medium | $0.00 | $0.067 | $0.067 |
m3.large | $0.00 | $0.133 | $0.133 |
m3.xlarge | $0.00 | $0.266 | $0.266 |
m3.2xlarge | $0.00 | $0.532 | $0.532 |
m4.large | $0.00 | $0.10 | $0.10 |
m4.xlarge | $0.00 | $0.20 | $0.20 |
m4.2xlarge | $0.00 | $0.40 | $0.40 |
m4.4xlarge | $0.00 | $0.80 | $0.80 |
m4.10xlarge | $0.00 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
m4.16xlarge | $0.00 | $3.20 | $3.20 |
Additional AWS infrastructure costs
Type | Cost |
EBS General Purpose SSD (gp2) volumes | $0.10/per GB/month of provisioned storage |
Vendor refund policy
Nothing as long as you are using free edition of the LogStare suite software
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Vendor terms and conditions
Content disclaimer
Delivery details
64-bit (x86) Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
An AMI is a virtual image that provides the information required to launch an instance. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) instances are virtual servers on which you can run your applications and workloads, offering varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking resources. You can launch as many instances from as many different AMIs as you need.
Version release notes
Please refer to the URL https://www.secuavail.com/kb/releasenotes/rn-lscv2-2-1build220121/
Additional details
Usage instructions
Login to the instance as the ec2-user.
Start up this software with the below command-line. It would takes a few minutes. $ sudo /usr/local/logstarecollector/sbin/start_kallista.sh
Open your browser and type the URL of the software in the browser. Ex. https://ec2-xx-xx-xxx-xx.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com/
Put the name and password after showed you a login page. You can use 'admin' user and its password is a value* of 'Private IPv4 DNS' changed dynamically. (*It will be indicated on your AWS console)
Click 'Device Group' through the navigation link like a screwdriver on left side of the page.
Click a button '+' on right side of the page. It will be near the username indicated on the page. Then fill in this page as 'DeviceName' as 'LocalDevice' and also 'IP address' as a private IP of this instance. Then push the button 'add' and then 'yes'.
After in a few minutes, click 'monitor' next to the 'Device Group' Then Click a button '+' as same as you did at step 6 Then select 'Ping monitor' on the pull down list of 'Select'. (Optionally, you can also do 'ping test' in clicking 'Ping test' on the bottom of the page to the monitoring check) Then push the button 'add' and then 'yes'.
Finally, click the Logo you can see on left top of this page and you can see the device and its status on this page.
For additional information, you can see the below URL. https://www.secuavail.com/kb/references/ref-200812_01/#LSC-2
Vendor resources
Vendor support
If you have any questions about this software, you can contact with us by following below URL.
https://www.logstare.com/contact/ e-mail: ls-support@logstare.com
AWS infrastructure support
AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services.