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  • Deployment Plan: A comprehensive plan outlining the steps for deploying Netskope across the organisation’s network. This includes defining deployment phases, timelines, and resource allocation.
  • Configuration and Policy Setup: Configure Netskope policies based on security requirements. Define rules for web filtering, threat prevention, and access control. Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Integrate Netskope seamlessly with existing network components, such as firewalls, proxies, and identity providers. User Training and Documentation: Provide training sessions for IT teams and end-users on Netskope usage. Create user-friendly documentation for reference. Testing and Validation: Conduct thorough testing to ensure Netskope functions correctly. Validate policies, traffic routing, and performance.

Smooth Transition and User Experience:

  • Zero Disruption: Netskope’s cloud-native approach ensures a seamless transition without disrupting user productivity. Users continue to access applications and services without interruption.
  • Consistent User Experience: Whether users are in the office, remote, or mobile, Netskope provides a consistent and secure experience. This ensures smooth adoption and minimal learning curve.
  • Reduced Complexity: Organisations simplify their security stack by consolidating multiple point solutions into Netskope. This streamlines management, reduces complexity, and enhances overall efficiency.

Value Realisation and ROI:

  • Immediate Threat Protection: Netskope’s inline security prevents threats at the edge, reducing the risk of breaches. Organisations quickly realise the value of an enhanced security posture.
  • Bandwidth Optimisation: By offloading traffic to Netskope’s cloud, organisations optimise bandwidth usage. This translates to cost savings and improved network performance.
  • Operational Efficiencies: Netskope’s centralised management simplifies policy enforcement, monitoring, and reporting. IT teams spend less time managing disparate security tools, leading to operational efficiencies.
  • Scalability and Agility: As organisations grow, Netskope scales effortlessly. The ability to adapt to changing business needs ensures long-term value and agility.
Sold by Sekuro
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


Phone: +61 1800 735 876 (1800 SEKURO)

