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AWS Innovation with Parameta Solutions

November 2023

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About the Episode 

Parameta Solutions, a global provider of over-the-counter market data within the TP ICAP Group is on a mission to improve global financial and commodities market access through innovative solutions.

Joining us on this episode are Rushmi Katyal, Chief Governance, Risk and Controls Officer at Parameta, Jacob Marlow, Sr. Data Engineer at Parameta, and Patrick O'Connor, WorldWide Prototyping Engineer at AWS. Our host Sara Armstrong explores their collaboration with the AWS prototyping team, where they harnessed the power of Generative AI and a serverless approach to their architecture to establish governance at scale.

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AWS Innovation with Parameta Solutions

Guest Speakers

Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot
Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot

Rushmi Katyal

Chief Governance, Risk and Controls Officer at Parameta Solutions

 Jacob Marlow
Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot

Jacob Marlow

Sr. Data Engineer at Parameta Solutions

Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot
Dr. Rada Sumareva Headshot

Patrick O'Connor

WorldWide Prototyping Engineer at AWS


00:04: Introduction
00:33: Parameta Solutions Overview
02:06: Guest Introductions and Mission and Challenges
05:24: Working with AWS
06:57: Compliance Challenges and Prototyping Approach

08:17: Transition to Generative AI
09:58: Challenges and Progress
11:32: Serverless Architecture Overview
16:46: Human in the Loop
18:34: Current Status
20:57: Team Dynamics and Reflections

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This is My Architecture

'This is My Architecture' is a video series that showcases innovative architectural solutions on the AWS Cloud by customers and partners. Each episode examines the most interesting and technically creative elements of each cloud architecture.

AWS Conversations with Leaders

Hear from business executives across industries in conversation with AWS Enterprise Strategists and other AWS leaders as they share personal insights on cloud transformation, inspiring innovation, and leading teams.

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