With Amazon MQ, you pay only for what you use. There are no minimum fees or upfront commitments. You pay for the time your message broker instance runs, the storage you use monthly, and standard data transfer fees**. It’s easy to get started with Amazon MQ for the first 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
Broker Pricing
You pay for message broker usage on an hourly basis (billed at one second resolution), with varying fees depending on the size of the message broker instance and whether you choose a single-instance broker, 3-node cluster, or active/standby broker. See the Broker Pricing Tables for details.
Broker Storage Pricing
Two types of broker storage are available for Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ – durability optimized using Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) and throughput optimized using Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS). Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ brokers all use Amazon EBS. With Amazon MQ you pay for the average amount of storage you use per month. This is calculated by adding up the GB used each hour and dividing by the number of hours in the month, resulting in a value in "GB-Months", as shown in the pricing example. See the Broker Storage Pricing Table for details.
AWS Free Tier
Amazon MQ is free to try. The AWS Free Tier includes up to 750 hours of a single-instance mq.t2.micro or mq.t3.micro broker per month using either ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. It also includes up to 5GB of durability optimized Amazon EFS storage per month for ActiveMQ and 20GB of Amazon EBS storage for RabbitMQ, for one year. New AWS accounts receive 12 months of AWS Free Tier access. See the AWS Free Tier for details. The AWS Free Tier is not available in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions or the China (Beijing) region at this time.
ActiveMQ Broker pricing
RabbitMQ Broker pricing
ActiveMQ Broker pricing
RabbitMQ Broker pricing
Data transfer fees
For traffic forwarded between brokers across availability zones in the same region, you will be charged at $0.01/GB in each direction. For cross-region networks, you will be charged for bandwidth out of each region according to the EC2 pricing schedule. For example, from US-East (N. Virginia) to US-West (Oregon) you will be charged $0.02/GB. Bandwidth into an AWS region is not charged.
For Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ Networks of Brokers, there are no additional charges. You will be charged for each broker in the network, plus any data transfer fees for network traffic between AZs or regions
For Amazon MQ for RabbitMQ clusters, there are no additional charges for data transfer fees within the cluster.
You will pay standard AWS data transfer charges for data transferred in and out of Amazon MQ.
Pricing examples
Pricing example #1
If you are operating an mq.m5.large active/standby ActiveMQ broker in the US East (N. Virginia) region with Amazon EFS storage type, and your broker uses 1GB of storage for 15 days in March, and 10GB of storage for the final 16 days in March, you would pay the following for the month:
Broker instance charge
Instance usage (in hours) = 31 days x 24 hrs/day = 744 hours
x $0.576 (price per hour for an mq.m5.large active/standby broker in the US East (N. Virginia) region)
= $428.54
Storage charge
Storage usage in GB-Hours = [1GB x 15 days x (24 hrs/day)] + [10GB x 16 days x (24 hrs/day)]
= 4,200 GB-Hours
Convert GB-Hours to GB-Months to calculate the monthly charge:
4,200 GB-Hours / 24 hrs / 31 days = 5.64516 GB-Months - 5 GB-Months free = 0.64516
x $0.30 (the price per GB-Month in US East region)
= $0.19
Total charge = $428.54 (broker instance charge) + $0.19 (storage charge) = $428.73
Pricing example #2
If you are operating a mq.m5.large RabbitMQ cluster in the US East (N. Virginia) region, each with the Amazon EBS storage type, and with the default storage limit of 200GB, you would pay the following for the month:
Broker instance charge
Total Instance usage (in hours) = [31 days x 24 hrs/day x 3 broker instances] = 2,232 hours
x $0.288 (price per hour for an mq.m5.large in the US East (N. Virginia) region)
= $642.82
Storage charge
Total storage usage in GB-Hours = [200GB x 31 days x (24 hrs/day) x 3 Amazon EBS volumes] = 446,400 GB-Hours
Convert GB-Hours to GB-Months to calculate the monthly charge:
446,400 GB-Hours / 24 hrs / 31 days = 600 GB-Months
x $0.10 (the price per GB-Month in US East region)
= $60
Total charge = $642.82 (broker instance charge) + $60 (storage charge) = $702.82
Pricing example #3
If you are operating 3 mq.m5.large ActiveMQ brokers in a network of brokers in the US East (N. Virginia) region, each with the Amazon EBS storage type, and with the default storage limit of 200GB, you would pay the following for the month:
Broker instance charge
Total Instance usage (in hours) = [31 days x 24 hrs/day x 3 broker instances] = 2,232 hours
x $0.288 (price per hour for an mq.m5.large in the US East (N. Virginia) region)
= $642.82
Storage charge
Total storage usage in GB-Hours = [200GB x 31 days x (24 hrs/day) x 3 Amazon EBS volumes] = 446,400 GB-Hours
Convert GB-Hours to GB-Months to calculate the monthly charge:
446,400 GB-Hours / 24 hrs / 31 days = 600 GB-Months
x $0.10 (the price per GB-Month in US East region)
= $60
Total charge = $642.82 (broker instance charge) + $60 (storage charge) = $702.82
Pricing example #4
If you are operating an mq.m5.large active/standby ActiveMQ broker as the primary broker in the US East (N. Virginia) region with Amazon EFS storage type, an mq.m5.large active/standby ActiveMQ broker as the replica broker in the US West (Oregon) region with Amazon EFS storage type for cross-region data replication and your broker uses 1GB of storage for 15 days in March, and 10GB of storage for the final 16 days in March, you would pay the following for the month:
Broker instance charge
Primary region - Instance usage (in hours) = 31 days x 24 hrs/day = 744 hours
x $0.576 (price per hour for a mq.m5.large active/standby broker in the US East (N. Virginia) region)
Secondary region - Instance usage (in hours) = 31 days x 24 hrs/day = 744 hours
+ 744 hours x $0.576 (price per hour for a mq.m5.large active/standby broker in the US West (Oregon) region)
= $ 857.08
Cross-region data replication charge
Number of brokers – 2
Replication usage (in hours) = 31 days x 24 hrs/day = 744 hours
x $0.10 (price per hour per broker for cross-region data replication across all AWS regions)
= $148.8
Storage charge
Primary region - Storage usage in GB-Hours = [1GB x 15 days x (24 hrs/day)] + [10GB x 16 days x (24 hrs/day)]
= 4,200 GB-Hours
Convert GB-Hours to GB-Months to calculate the monthly charge:
4,200 GB-Hours / 24 hrs / 31 days = 5.64516 GB-Months - 5 GB-Months free = 0.64516
x $0.30 (the price per GB-Month in US East region)
= $0.19
Secondary region - Storage usage in GB-Hours = [1GB x 15 days x (24 hrs/day)] + [10GB x 16 days x (24 hrs/day)]
= 4,200 GB-Hours
Convert GB-Hours to GB-Months to calculate the monthly charge:
4,200 GB-Hours / 24 hrs / 31 days = 5.64516 GB-Months - 5 GB-Months free = 0.64516
x $0.30 (the price per GB-Month in US East region)
= $0.19
Total charge = $857.08 (broker instance charge) + $148.8 (Cross-region data replication charge) + $0.38 (storage charge)
= $1006.26