Amazon EBS io2 Block Express offers the highest performance block storage in the cloud with 4x higher throughput, IOPS, and capacity than gp3 volumes, along with sub-millisecond latency. Block Express is the latest generation of Amazon EBS storage server architecture purpose-built to meet the performance and latency requirements of the most demanding applications. io2 Block Express is designed to provide 4,000 MB/s throughput per volume, 256,000 IOPS/volume, up to 64 TiB storage capacity, and 1,000 IOPS per GB as well as 99.999% durability, making it ideal for your largest, most I/O intensive, mission-critical deployments of Oracle, SAP HANA, Microsoft SQL Server, and SAS Analytics.
io2 Block Express is available on all Nitro-based EC2 instances. For more information, see io2 Block Express documentation.
Volume Type: EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2 Block Express)
Short Description: High-performance SSD volume designed for business-critical latency-sensitive applications
Use Cases: I/O-intensive NoSQL & relational databases
API Name: io2
Volume Size: 4 GB – 64 TB
Durability: 99.999%
Latency: sub-millisecond
Max IOPS*/Volume: 256,000
Max Throughput**/Volume: 4,000 MB/s
Max IOPS/Instance: 420,000
Max IOPS/GB: 1,000 IOPS/GB
Max Throughput/Instance: 12,500 MB/s
- $0.125/GB-month
- $0.065/provisioned IOPS-month up to 32,000 IOPS
- $0.046/provisioned IOPS-month from 32,001 to 64,000 IOPS
- $0.032/provisioned IOPS-month for greater than 64,000 IOPS
Dominant Performance Attribute: IOPS, throughput, latency, capacity, and volume durability
*io1/io2 Block Express/gp2/gp3 based on 16K I/O size, st1/sc1 based on 1 MB I/O size
**volume throughput is calculated as MB = 1024^2 bytes