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    IBM Technology Expert Labs ADVISE Offering for DB2

    Our remotely delivered services offering objectives are to listen to your needs for an AI-infused enterprise database and be prescriptive on how we can help address your enterprise database challenges.
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    IBM Technology Expert Labs ADVISE Offering for DB2



    IBM® Db2® Database on IBM Cloud Pak® for Data can scale on AWS or hybrid cloud deployments leveraging our deep, product technical experts. Our IBM Technology Expert Labs subject matter experts have experience across all industry verticals and have harvested our learnings to help your enterprise to integrate or extract your enterprise data into your modernized applications.

    Business Challenges may include how to:

    (i) Setup data virtualization for visibility of all enterprise data, thus, reducing costly data migration efforts.

    {ii) Reduce operational costs by avoiding duplicating data in various GEO regions due to data residency regulations.

    (iii) Containerize DB2 OpenShift cluster deployments featuring automated administration on AWS or hybrid cloud.

    (iv) Enhance and speed development life cycles.

    (v) Setup data organization, governance, and management of your enterprise data while enforcing policies and rules across your organization.

    (vi) Augment your technical staff with our deep, technical consultants to optimize time to market.

    Deliverables may include: High level architectural and planning document and/or best practices principles recommendations.


    • Value Proposition: Our deep, product technical consultants will help you plan for any 3rd party integrations (possibly other AWS services) and/or on-premises for hybrid cloud deployments with OpenShift. While most vendors may have database products IBM Technology Expert Labs professional services organizations have had over 50,000+ engagements globally and have harvested assets that can be leveraged for a highly successful deployment within your enterprise with reduced risk.
    • This private offer for our remote delivery professional services VIA AWS is ONLY available at this time in: Canada, USA and Brazil.


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    Custom pricing options

    Pricing is based on your specific requirements and eligibility. To get a custom quote for your needs, request a private offer.

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    Customers may request to book a free briefing (up to 1 hour) by contacting the email below in addition to inquiring for a meeting to discuss any pre-requisites required to perform this professional services offering.

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