offers special services for Jaspersoft: carrying out installations, workshops, concept development business reporting, connection of data sources, etc.
As a long-standing VAR partner of Jaspersoft (& TIBCO), we look back on many successful projects with Jaspersoft. With our diverse experience, we tailor our consulting and support to your needs and lead your projects around Jaspersoft to success.
PRODATO is also a subcontractor for Jaspersoft Professional Services.
Our services include (excerpt):
- License consulting
- Installation (execution or support)
- Integration into application landscape
- Workshops to clarify specific questions
- dedicated training
- Implementation (report creation and customization, custom code)
Training Catalog
Basic Reporting Training with Jaspersoft Studio (3 days)
This three-day training course provides a comprehensive, basic overview of Jaspersoft Studio and the basic concepts of professional reporting. The exercises are designed as a living tutorial, which means that participants build their own report step-by-step based on a template. In the process, they gradually learn new functions that they can integrate into their own report and thereby continuously improve it. At the end of this course, participants will be able to create their own reports in Jaspersoft Studio and customize them as required.
Basic training JasperReports Server (3 days)
This three-day training provides a comprehensive, basic overview of JasperReports Server. From basic operation, management, schedules to BI Self Service (domains + ad-hoc views + dashboards) and export/import, all important areas are discussed. At the end of this training, the participants will be able to act independently on the JasperReports Server and, for example, manage users, use BI Self-Services or create schedules in the Jaspersoft Studio and customize them according to given requirements.
Extension training HTML5 Charts (Highcharts) (1 day)
This one-day training offers comprehensive basics and various tools/methods for professional work with Highcharts. The focus is on the targeted use of implemented properties. Extension Training XML & JSON (Special Datasources) (1 day) In this training basic knowledge for working with JSON and XML data sources is imparted. The participants will learn about xPath and JSONQL, and at the end of this training they will be able to provide their reports incl. subreports with XML/JSON data sources and to obtain them as HTTP data adapters from an external source.
Extension training Custom Code (3 days)
This three-day course provides a comprehensive, basic overview of custom Java code integration in Jaspersoft Studio. Building on this, a wide variety of features such as Scriptlets, Built-In Functions, Parameter Contributor, Custom Incrementer, Custom Exporter, Custom Visualization Component can then be used to extend the functionality of Jaspersoft as desired.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to integrate a wide variety of custom tools into the Studio to implement reporting requirements of any complexity beyond the standard Jaspersoft features.
- PRODATO is a long-term VAR partner of Jaspersoft and subcontractor of Jaspersoft Professional Services.
- PRODATO looks back on many successfully implemented projects with Jaspersoft. Our experts know (and can do) the full range of Jaspersoft's capabilities.
- Learn from our experience and save yourself valuable time.
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Herderstraße 5-9 | 90427 Nürnberg
fon: +49 (0) 911 / 994 730 – 0 | aws@prodato.de
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