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BSH Migrates Home Connect to AWS, Increases Agility and Scalability While Gaining Customer Insights

BSH, a large manufacturer of home appliances in Europe, increased agility and scalability for Home Connect by migrating to Amazon EC2. On AWS, BSH can focus on building customer relationships.



Provides reliable services

to customers through connected devices


appliances together and to BSH for a more integrated and personalized usage


Home appliances manufacturer BSH sought to improve scalability and build a better customer relationship through connected devices. The company provides customers with home appliances that offer digital, connective features using Home Connect, its in-house Internet of Things solution. With more than one million connected appliances online on a consistent basis and expected future growth, BSH wanted to run Home Connect with increased scalability and improved connectivity.

BSH migrated its Home Connect solution to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), which provides secure and resizable compute capacity for virtually any workload, BSH was able to improve Home Connect’s scalability. By migrating, BSH was also able to take a modular, microservices approach to its architecture and to gain data-driven insights from anonymized data into how its customers use appliances in their daily lives so that it can bring them products that better meet their needs.

person on smartphone with book in other hand

Opportunity | Confronting Scalability Limits

Founded in 1967, BSH is one of the largest manufacturers of home appliances in Europe, offering products like coffee makers and refrigerators. In 2021 BSH underwent an internal reorganization to become more agile and to focus on digitalization. To deliver customized experiences for its consumers, BSH began to work on connected home appliances.

BSH was not satisfied with the previous solution it was using to run Home Connect. “As we got more connected appliances to market, we discovered limits to growth in both the development speed and the agility of bringing new features to market,” says Jan Wilhelm, BSH Cluster architect for appliances. When addressing these challenges, BSH moved to a hybrid solution using an Internet of Things backbone and surrounding it with microservices. But even this hybrid solution retained operational friction points and scalability limits. To more aggressively pursue the microservices approach to build functionality and add new services to Home Connect, BSH decided to migrate Home Connect to AWS.

BSH started using AWS in 2013 in the software development environment. For large projects, it began using a central data lake, supported by Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)—an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. The company was initially using this data for tracking and analytics. Already familiar with using AWS, BSH chose to migrate to AWS in part for greater agility in compute power. “Migrating to AWS liberated our development teams, giving them more power and making their work easier, more fun, and more agile,” says Wilhelm.


Migrating to AWS liberated our development teams, giving them more power and making their work easier, more fun, and more agile.”

Jan Wilhelm
Cluster Architect for Appliances, BSH

Solution | Connecting Product Use to Production Efficiency

Home Connect’s scalability is critical for BSH as the company expands connectivity for its products. “Our projections suggest that our number of online appliances will increase between 2022 and 2024 by a factor of 10,” says Wilhelm. Using Amazon EC2, BSH has increased Home Connect’s scaling capabilities while also expanding what BSH can do with its data provided that users have given their consent. “Using Amazon EC2 provides our data scientists the possibility to explore data, run machine learning trainings, and make predictions on the products we already have,” says Marek Imialek, BSH Shape architect for analytics and data lakes. BSH also uses AWS Glue, a serverless data integration service, for batch ingestion processing of its data.

With Home Connect running on AWS, BSH can use customer-use information from connected devices to glean direction on production and ultimately bring increased convenience and time savings to its customers. The connected devices help BSH understand its customers better with information including the efficiencies, usage, and maintenance of machines. For example, Home Connect stores data on how often people use a coffee machine and in what ways. This data is stored on Amazon S3 and then analyzed by Amazon Redshift, which uses SQL to analyze structured and semistructured data across data warehouses, operational databases, and data lakes. As a result, BSH can perform data analysis to glean insights that it can use to improve production decisions. For example, if the resulting data shows that more people use a coffee machine for espresso, BSH can expand production for devices that better serve customer needs. From data provided by connected Home Connect dishwashers, BSH found that customers in some countries almost always used the prewashing function but that those in other countries rarely did. These insights help to improve region-specific production, regional sales, and customer connectivity. Of course, BSH never stores data without users’ consent.

Because Home Connect deals with user data, its security is highly important. “We want to provide customers with a reliable solution that they can trust will keep their personal data secure,” says Wilhelm. To help securely analyze this data, BSH uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS), which makes it easy to create and manage cryptographic keys and control their use across a wide range of AWS services, to securely encrypt data stored in Amazon Redshift.

Outcome | Preparing for Future Growth

As it anticipates growth, BSH is considering several more AWS services with a focus on security, including AWS CloudTrail—which monitors and records account activity across AWS infrastructure—for auditing the services that it uses

By migrating Home Connect to AWS, BSH can now focus on developing its products and building customer relationships. “For example, we are working on a better connection of customer service for predictive maintenance so that we can predict when an appliance will break down,” says Joerg Schneider, BSH Cluster architect for digital platform services. On AWS, BSH can support customer needs by providing information, personalized experiences, and specialized access through connected home appliances—and it can do so without worrying about scalability limits.

About BSH

BSH is a large home appliance manufacturer based in Europe. The BSH conglomerate is made up of almost 80 companies in 50 countries and aims to improve the quality of life at home.

AWS Services Used

Amazon EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) offers the broadest and deepest compute platform, with over 600 instances and choice of the latest processor, storage, networking, operating system, and purchase model to help you best match the needs of your workload.

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Amazon S3

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service offering industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

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Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift uses SQL to analyze structured and semi-structured data across data warehouses, operational databases, and data lakes, using AWS-designed hardware and machine learning to deliver the best price performance at any scale.

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Amazon Glue

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easier to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development.

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