In this module, you provision an Amazon DynamoDB database and learn how to use DynamoDB to store information about your turn-based game.

Time to Complete Module: 30 Minutes

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully-managed NoSQL database provided by AWS. It provides single-digit millisecond response times and near-infinite scalability. DynamoDB is used by a wide variety of applications and industries, from the shopping cart to Lyft’s geolocation service to a wide variety of online games.

All interaction with DynamoDB is done over HTTPS using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for authentication and authorization. Usually, you use the AWS SDK for your language of choice to interact with DynamoDB. If you are using AWS compute options for your application, such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or AWS Lambda, your application can use the AWS credentials in your compute environment to make requests to DynamoDB.

In the following steps, you first provision a DynamoDB database. Then, you learn how to interact with your DynamoDB database using the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js.

  • Step 1. Provision an Amazon DynamoDB database

    First, let’s provision a DynamoDB database. A database in DynamoDB is also called a table.

    When creating a DynamoDB table, you need to specify the attribute(s) that will make up the primary key of your table. Each record you write to your DynamoDB table is called an item, and each item must include the primary key of your table.

    DynamoDB data modeling and primary key design is an important topic. However, your game has a simple access pattern that does not require advanced data modeling, so this tutorial will not cover advanced topics in DynamoDB data modeling. For additional details on modeling data in DynamoDB, you can read the tutorials on Designing a database for a mobile app with Amazon DynamoDB or Data Modeling a Gaming Application with Amazon DynamoDB.

    In your application, you use DynamoDB as a simple key-value store. Each game has a gameId attribute that uniquely identifies each game. The gameId attribute is used as the primary key for your table.

    In the scripts/ directory, there is a file called that creates your DynamoDB table using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). The contents of the file are as follows:

    aws dynamodb create-table \
      --table-name turn-based-game \
      --attribute-definitions '[
          "AttributeName": "gameId",
          "AttributeType": "S"
      ]' \
      --key-schema '[
          "AttributeName": "gameId",
          "KeyType": "HASH"
      ]' \
      --provisioned-throughput '{
        "ReadCapacityUnits": 5,
        "WriteCapacityUnits": 5

    First, it gives the table a name turn-based-game. Then, it declares the attributes that are used in the table’s primary key. You are using a simple primary key in this example, so you only declare a single attribute, gameId, which is of a string data type. Next, you specify your primary key schema by stating that the gameId attribute be used as your table’s hash key.

    Finally, you specify the number of read and write capacity units you want for your table. DynamoDB does have an on-demand pricing mode where you pay for each read and write request against your table. However, the provisioned throughput mode fits within the AWS Free Tier, so you can use that here.

    Create your table by running the following command in your terminal:

    bash scripts/

    You should see the following output in your terminal:

        "TableDescription": {
            "AttributeDefinitions": [
                    "AttributeName": "gameId",
                    "AttributeType": "S"
            "TableName": "turn-based-game",
            "KeySchema": [
                    "AttributeName": "gameId",
                    "KeyType": "HASH"
            "TableStatus": "CREATING",
            "CreationDateTime": 1574086642.07,
            "ProvisionedThroughput": {
                "NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0,
                "ReadCapacityUnits": 5,
                "WriteCapacityUnits": 5
            "TableSizeBytes": 0,
            "ItemCount": 0,
            "TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:955617200811:table/turn-based-game",
            "TableId": "c62cb86a-211e-4a50-a160-4a616c8f3445"
  • Step 2. Save an example game item in your table

    Now that you have created your table, you can add items to your table. Each game is represented by a single item in the table.

    The schema of each game item is as follows:

    Each game includes a GameId, which is a unique identifier for the game. The attributes User1 and User2 store the usernames of the two users that are playing the game. The attributes Heap1, Heap2, and Heap3 store the number of objects in each of the three heaps. Finally, the LastMoveBy attribute indicates the player who made the most recent move.

    In the scripts/ directory, there is a createGame.js file that adds an example game to your table. The contents of the file are as follows:

    const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
    const documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()
    const params = {
      TableName: 'turn-based-game',
      Item: {
        gameId: '5b5ee7d8',
        user1: 'myfirstuser',
        user2: 'theseconduser',
        heap1: 5,
        heap2: 4,
        heap3: 5,
        lastMoveBy: 'myfirstuser'
      .then(() => console.log('Game added successfully!'))
      .catch((error) => console.log('Error adding game', error))

    You import the AWS SDK and then create an instance of the DynamoDB Document Client. The Document Client is a higher-level abstraction over the low-level DynamoDB API and makes it easier to work with DynamoDB items. After creating the client, the script assembles the parameters for a PutItem API call, including the table name and the attributes on the item. Then it calls the put() method on the Document Client and logs out information on success or failure.

    You can run the script to insert a game into your table by running the following command in your terminal:

    node scripts/createGame.js

    You should see the following output in your terminal:

    Game added successfully!

    Note: If you run the command too quickly, you may get an error that the table is not yet available. Wait one minute, then try the command again.

    Great! You have now added a single game to your table. In the next step, you learn how to update that game item to simulate a user making a move.

  • Step 3. Update a game item in your table

    Now that you have a game item in your table, you can learn how to simulate a player making a move for a game that’s in progress.

    There are two ways you could handle this operation. In the first way, you retrieve the item using the GetItem API. Then, you update the game item in your application according to the move made by the player. Finally, you replace the existing item in DynamoDB using the PutItem API. Although this option works, it requires multiple requests to your DynamoDB table and risks overwriting any changes that happened between fetching and re-writing your game item.

    The second way to handle this operation is to use the UpdateItem API call in DynamoDB. With the UpdateItem API, you can update your DynamoDB item in place via a single request. You specify the item you want changed, the attributes to change, and any conditions to want to assert on the item. This is the preferred way to make a change to an item because it doesn't require multiple calls to your database.

    In the scripts/ directory, there is a file called performMove.js which has the following contents:

    const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
    const documentClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient()
    const performMove = async ({ gameId, user, changedHeap, changedHeapValue }) => {
      if (changedHeapValue < 0 ) {
        throw new Error('Cannot set heap value below 0')
      const params = {
        TableName: 'turn-based-game',
        Key: { 
          gameId: gameId
        UpdateExpression: `SET lastMoveBy = :user, ${changedHeap} = :changedHeapValue`,
        ConditionExpression: `(user1 = :user OR user2 = :user) AND lastMoveBy <> :user AND ${changedHeap} > :changedHeapValue`,
        ExpressionAttributeValues: {
          ':user': user,
          ':changedHeapValue': changedHeapValue,
        ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW'
      try {
        const resp = await documentClient.update(params).promise()
        console.log('Updated game: ', resp.Attributes)
      } catch (error) {
        console.log('Error updating item: ', error.message)
    performMove({ gameId: '5b5ee7d8', user: 'theseconduser', changedHeap: 'heap1', changedHeapValue: 3 })

    This script is a little complicated, so let’s take it step-by-step.

    Like the previous script, you import the AWS SDK and create a DynamoDB Document Client instance.

    Then, you define a method called performMove. This method is similar to an internal method that would be used in your application when a user requests to make a move. The script assembles the parameters for an UpdateItem API call. First, it changes two attributes on the game -- the last user to make a move, and the number of elements in the changed heap.

    The UpdateItem API parameters then make some assertions about the current state of the game. The ConditionExpression is evaluated before the item is updated to confirm that the item is in the state you want. You are making the following three assertions in your condition expression:

    1. That the user requesting to perform a move is one of the two users in the game;
    2. That the current turn belongs to the user requesting to perform the move;
    3. That the heap being changed has a current value higher than the value to which is it being changed.

    Finally, the parameters state a ReturnValue of ALL_NEW, which means that DynamoDB returns the entire item after its values have been updated. Once you have this, your application can evaluate the game to see if there’s a winner.

    At the bottom of the file is an example of how this method is called in your application. You can execute the script with the following command:

    node scripts/performMove.js

    You should see the following output in your terminal:

    Updated game:  { heap2: 4,
      heap1: 3,
      heap3: 5,
      gameId: '5b5ee7d8',
      user2: 'theseconduser',
      user1: 'myfirstuser',
      lastMoveBy: 'theseconduser' }

    You can see that the write was successful and the game has been updated.

    Try running the script again in your terminal. You should see the following output:

    Error updating item:  The conditional request failed

    Your conditional requests failed this time. The requesting user -- theseconduser -- was the most recent player to move. Further, the changed heap -- heap1 -- already had a value of 3, meaning the user didn’t change anything. Because of this, the request was rejected.

In this module, you provisioned an Amazon DynamoDB database to store your game data. You learned about primary keys in DynamoDB in modeling your data. After creating a table, you learned how to insert items into a table to store initial game state. Finally, you saw how to update items in your data to avoid making multiple requests to DynamoDB in a single request.

In the next module, you learn about using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) to send SMS messages to notify your users about important events in their game.