
  • Flexible collaboration: Send messages either one-on-one or in groups. Create rooms with members using the Directory (people in your existing network) or Contacts list (people outside your existing network).
  • Ephemeral options: Set expiration timers to destroy sent messages and files after a set amount of time (anywhere from 1 minute to 365 days). Burn-on-read (BOR) timers let you automatically delete a message once it has been read by its recipient. Default expiration and BOR timers can be set for each room or message.
  • Encrypted file sharing: Share end-to-end encrypted files up to 5 GB in size by direct message or in an AWS Wickr room.
  • Encrypted audio messaging: Record and share audio messages up to one minute long within an AWS Wickr room or send audio directly to other users.


  • One-on-one and group calling: Hold end-to-end encrypted voice or video calls for up to 100 participants within AWS Wickr rooms, or one-on-one calls within direct messages. Presets allow you to curate device-specific experiences.
  • Presenter mode: Permit up to 500 view-only attendees; only the host can share video, audio, and screens.
  • Screen sharing: Share your screen or present information during one-on-one calls and conference calls with up to 500 participants.


  • Advanced cryptography: Protect communications with 256-bit authenticated, end-to-end encryption. With AWS Wickr, encryption and decryption take place locally, on the client endpoint. Every call, message, and file is encrypted with a new random key, and remains indecipherable in transit; no one but the intended recipients (not even AWS) can decrypt them.
  • Open access capability: Disguise traffic to protect data on restricted and monitored networks. AWS Wickr Open Access connects to a series of global proxy servers to help secure an efficient path for your data. Flexible options allow AWS Wickr Open Access to be enabled or disabled based on preference, and it can be used on demand for sensitive communications.
  • User key verification: Verify digital signatures and protect against adversary-in-the-middle attacks. AWS Wickr incorporates automatic digital signature verification, data encryption at rest, and strong authentication and access controls to help verify the digital identity of the adversary on the other side of your conversation.

External federation

  • Added security for collaboration and connection: Permit individual users and teams to collaborate with outside parties and enjoy the same level of privacy and security as internally. Encryption and administrative controls provide straightforward and more secure external communication while maintaining full control of user accounts, security settings, and information governance policies.
  • Configurable options: Create additional AWS Wickr networks, and assign groups of users in each network with select federation rules. Access can be restricted to specific customers, vendors, partners, and other companies or subsidiaries.

Data retention

  • Data retention: Retain information in a more secure, customer-controlled data store to help meet legal hold, audit, and compliance needs, such as the Federal Records Act, SEC Rule 17a-4, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Data retention is implemented as a process added to conversations, like a participant. The data retention process can run anywhere: on-premises, on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) virtual machine, or at any location of your choice. Wickr network administrators can configure and apply the data retention feature to all in-network conversations—including shared media and files—as well as conversations with guest users, external teams, and other partner networks.

Extensible workflows

  • AWS Wickr bots: Use bots to integrate AWS Wickr with third-party systems such as HubSpot, GitLab, Zendesk, and more. Automate workflows with existing compliance and broadcast bots, or build custom bots with the AWS Wickr bots SDK. Bots can be configured to read or write data from any source; they can be added to chat rooms for user interaction and can also be self-hosted within customer environments.
  • AWS Wickr APIs: Send requests to the AWS Wickr API internet gateway with stateless RESTful calls. Create rooms, create users, review statistics, and more.
  • AWS Wickr ATAK plugin: Enhance the common operating picture of the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK), also known as Android Tactical Assault Kit for military use. The ATAK plugin allows ATAK operators to access AWS Wickr directly from the ATAK map, initiate encrypted messaging, calling, and file transfer based on location, and facilitate after-action reports.

Administrative controls

  • User management: Controls make it straightforward to add, remove, and invite AWS Wickr users. The user status change feature alerts room moderators of changes to user accounts; when users leave an organization, or are added or removed from an AWS Wickr network, accounts can be managed accordingly.
  • User settings: Receive mobile and desktop notifications, set privacy and safety settings, manage your availability status, and set preferences at the individual and group-room levels.
  • Security groups: Organize users into security groups, with access restricted to content at their level. You can apply policies to each group that are custom tailored to meet desired outcomes.
  • Single sign-on: Gain an additional layer of security by integrating AWS Wickr with Active Directory, Okta, and OpenID Connect (OIDC) single sign-on (SSO) services.
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