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    AU/NZ Localised Compliance Frameworks for Drata

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    Looking to add Australia/New Zealand localised compliance frameworks like Essential Eight, AESCSF, ASD ISM, APRA CPS 234, or CertNZ Critical Controls to your Drata environment ? You've come to the right place.
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    AU/NZ Localised Compliance Frameworks for Drata

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    If this is you …

    We’ve found that a lot of our Australia and New Zealand customers need localised compliance framework support.

    Don’t get us wrong: international compliance frameworks and industry standards like ISO 27001 and SOC 2 definitely have their place (and we support them!).

    But localised compliance frameworks and standards are often required by legislation or statutory regulation. No matter what you think about them, they are hard to avoid.

    Then we can help...

    So we’ve built out a set of localised compliance frameworks and standards for Australia and New Zealand customers.

    Our AU/NZ localised compliance frameworks for Drata include:

    • ASD’s/ACSC’s Essential Eight
    • Essential Eight for AWS Cloud
    • Essential Eight for Microsoft 365
    • AEMO’s AESCSF v2 Core
    • AEMO’s AESCSF v2 Lite
    • APRA’s CPS 234/235
    • ASD’s ISM & IRAP
    • CERT NZ’s Critical Controls

    These localised compliance frameworks can be installed within the Drata platform and benefit from automated-integrated-continuous compliance. offers services to support localised framework adoption, compliance posture improvement.

    And if you need it, we partner with several companies to provide independent attestation, including with organizations such as AssuranceLab and A-Lign.

    About us...

    AU/NZ localized compliance frameworks are offered by, a proud Global Security & Compliance Acceleration (GSCA) Program Partner .


    • Get the AU/NZ localised compliance frameworks you need from a down-to-earth, Downunder GRC solutions provider
    • Installed alongside native Drata frameworks and mapped to the Drata controls library - do the work once, and report as many times as you need!


    Delivery method


    Custom pricing options

    Pricing is based on your specific requirements and eligibility. To get a custom quote for your needs, request a private offer.


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    Vendor support

    A delivery manager will work with you to coordinate access to and implementation of the AU/NZ localized compliance frameworks in your Drata enviroment.

    We offer extended business hours support via:

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