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    Ethereum DeFi and staking, Product and Technical Assessment

    Sold by: Launchnodes 
    Launchnodes provides enterprise clients with a strategy and technology review, assessing clients ETH and defi staking solutions and service propositions technically and functionally. Providing Whitelabelled solutions and product roadmaps for client propositions
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    Ethereum DeFi and staking, Product and Technical Assessment

    Sold by: Launchnodes 


    Launchnodes provides corporate clients and governments, with technical and product assessments of how they can productionise Ethereum staking and DeFi services or use Launchnodes white labelled solutions. Our assessments last from 3 weeks to 6 weeks and deliver the following business outcomes:

    A review of current Strategy and propositions, to develop and enhance existing propositions

    An assessment of how an organisation can leverage public cloud and your own infrastrucuture to productionise and scale their Ethereum staking operation whilst also connecting back and integrating into their enterprise and legacy systems

    A high level value based Product Roadmap to take products and service live in production

    A high level Technical Roadmap and Architecture for execution


    • Build new products around DeFi and staking with Ethereum in your organisation
    • A fast way to build a product and technical strategy for your organisation on staking and using DeFi on Ethereum
    • Leverage Launchnodes products on AWS marketplace to start staking in production faster


    Delivery method


    Custom pricing options

    Pricing is based on your specific requirements and eligibility. To get a custom quote for your needs, request a private offer.


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    Vendors are responsible for their product descriptions and other product content. AWS does not warrant that vendors' product descriptions or other product content are accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.


    Vendor resources


    Vendor support

    Launchnodes provide customised support solutions to all our clients, after the assessment has been completed. We also provide full support for Launchnodes' nodes that are on AWS marketplace or clients own infrastructure

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