Partner Success with AWS / Education / India / 2024


Rocket Learning Scales its Digital Classroom Solutions by 50% to Support 2 Million Users on AWS

Rocket Learning engaged AWS Partner CloudThat Technologies to migrate critical applications to AWS, increasing scalability, delivering features faster, and reducing costs.


Increase in platform scalability

Up to 20%

Faster application deployment times


Savings through cost optimization


Rocket Learning, an educational technology nonprofit, creates digital communities for parents and teachers that deliver age-appropriate content to low-income children across India. The business engaged AWS Partner CloudThat Technologies, to move critical workloads to AWS, with the goal to accelerate development and increase scalability.

By running on AWS, Rocket Learning has boosted the scalability of its applications by 50 percent, cut deployment time for new features by up to 20 percent, and saved 20–25 percent in cloud expenditure through cost optimization.


Opportunity | Scaling Digital Classrooms to Enhance Learning in Communities

In India, 35 million low-income children lack quality early childhood education. Rocket Learning aims to change this. The growing educational technology nonprofit fosters digital communities of parents and teachers to provide relevant content to students in low-income regions. Rocket Learning imparts foundational learning to 1.75 million children through 200,000 digital classrooms in eight states.

The organization continually develops new solutions to enhance learning in its communities. Its current focus is on the integration of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to develop an AI and machine learning (ML) coach and model aimed at transforming the behavior of low-income parents and teachers. “This scalable solution has the potential to impact tens of millions of lives,” says Vishal Sunil, chief technology officer at Rocket Learning. Expanding the solution was challenging, however, because the organization’s existing workloads—including both internal solutions and customer-facing educational content applications—were hosted in a cloud environment that restricted growth. “As we grew to two million users and 100 million interactions, we faced difficulties in scaling up our platform and servers,” says Sunil.

Additionally, Rocket Learning experienced challenges with the availability and reliability of its IT environment. Developers depended on manual application deployment processes, resulting in longer lead times to deliver new features and updates to customers. "We aimed to modernize our environment to maintain agility and adaptability in a rapidly evolving landscape," Sunil says. "Ensuring our applications remained competitive and efficient moving forward was crucial."


With our new AWS environment, developers can concentrate on devising innovative solutions and enhancing business processes. For instance, we developed a real-time analytics dashboard that provides invaluable insights into user behavior, helping us refine content delivery and engagement strategies.”

Vishal Sunil
Chief Technology Officer at Rocket Learning

Solution | Engaging AWS Partner CloudThat to Migrate Critical Applications

Rocket Learning engaged CloudThat Technologies, an AWS Partner, to migrate its cloud environment to AWS. The migration aimed to boost scalability, enhance performance, and achieve cost efficiency.

“CloudThat significantly aided our AWS migration,” says Sunil. “With a dedicated team at our disposal, the transition was seamless. We easily moved our database and storage accounts, and their recommendations strengthened our architecture, making it more robust and efficient on AWS.” Rocket Learning decided to adopt a microservices-based architecture to increase the flexibility and scalability of its applications and develop and roll out specific functions independently.

CloudThat used AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to migrate Rocket Learning’s databases to Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) and implemented Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) to support its microservices approach. It also deployed AWS Auto Scaling to automatically adjust compute capacity on demand. Additionally, CloudThat helped Rocket Learning automate deployments with continuous integration/continuous deployment best practices and ensured all applications were aligned with the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

To boost the performance of Rocket Learning’s applications, CloudThat deployed Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances powered by AWS Graviton Processors. Rocket Learning subsequently adopted Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances to reduce overall compute costs for long-running applications. As a result, Rocket Learning achieved cloud cost savings of 20–25 percent. Finally, the company implemented AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to enhance security.

Outcome | Providing a More Reliable Experience and Rolling Out Features Faster

By migrating to AWS, Rocket Learning increased the scalability of its IT environment by 50 percent. "Enhanced scalability, coupled with more reliable performance on AWS, ensures a seamless user experience during peak times, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention," says Sunil.

Rocket Learning has also automated the provisioning and configuration of applications, reducing manual intervention and repetitive tasks for developers. As a result, the organization has reduced application deployment times by up to 20 percent. “By building on AWS, developers can focus on introducing innovative solutions and enhancing business processes,” Sunil says. “For example, we developed a real-time analytics dashboard that provides invaluable insights into user behavior, helping us refine content delivery and engagement strategies.”

Overall, Rocket Learning is aligning its IT environment with its business goals by running critical workloads on AWS. Sunil concludes, “By using AWS for our AI/ML infrastructure pipeline and automating processes, we gain greater stability and readiness to support our long-term business objectives. This will accelerate our efforts to adapt and evolve in the ever-changing educational technology landscape, helping us better meet customer needs and stay competitive.”

About Rocket Learning

Rocket Learning, established in 2020, is one of India's leading nonprofits in the spaces of early childhood education and community engagement. The organization uses technology to create virtual learning communities among parents, with the goal of erasing learning inequalities for low-income children. Rocket Learning’s communities use the power of peer motivation to encourage parents to promote learning at home during their child’s early years.

About the AWS Partner CloudThat

CloudThat, an AWS Partner, helps businesses move their IT resources securely to the cloud and nurture organizational, technical, and operational capabilities with expert cloud consultancy services. Using the company’s cloud consulting and migration services, businesses can migrate their workloads to the cloud to deliver improved performance, reduce costs, and enhance scalability.

AWS Services Used

AWS Database Migration Service

AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) is a managed migration and replication service that helps move your database and analytics workloads to AWS quickly, securely, and with minimal downtime and zero data loss.

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Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service to run Kubernetes in the AWS cloud and on-premises data centers.

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AWS Auto Scaling

AWS Auto Scaling monitors your applications and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible cost.

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Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) offers the broadest and deepest compute platform, with over 750 instances and choice of the latest processor, storage, networking, operating system, and purchase model to help you best match the needs of your workload.

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