AWS Skill Builder
Build in-demand cloud skills—your way—with our online learning center. Whether you're new to the cloud, an experienced builder, or an organization looking to innovate at scale, Skill Builder can help you stay current and reach your goals.
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Individual monthly subscription
Hands-on labs, enhanced exam prep, game-based simulations, validation challenges, and more.
Individual annual subscription
Unlock more value — everything monthly, plus expert instruction through AWS Digital Classroom.
Team subscription
For teams of 5 or more
Build cloud skills at scale and maximize your cloud investment.
Compare AWS Skill Builder offerings
Free account
Individual monthly subscription
Individual annual subscription
Team subscription
600+ on-demand courses and Learning Plans √ √ √ √ Standard Exam Prep Courses √ √ √ √ AWS Certification Official Question Sets √ √ √ √ AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner √ √ √ √ AWS Card Clash √ √ √ √ Digital Badges √ √ √ √ AWS Industry Quest √ √ √ Unlimited access to hands-on lab experiences √ √ √ Guided AWS Builder Labs √ √ √ 200+ AWS SimuLearn trainings √ √ √ Enhanced Exam Prep Courses (with practice materials) √ √ √ AWS Certification Official Practice Exams √ √ √ AWS Certification Official Pretests √ √ √ AWS Cloud Quest: Intermediate & Advanced Roles √ √ √ AWS Escape Room √ √ √ AWS Jam Journeys √ √ √ AWS Digital Classroom √ √ AWS Jam Events √ AWS Cloud Quest Enterprise features √ Administrator Dashboard √ Comprehensive Reporting √ Single Sign-On (SSO) Support (optional) √
Compare AWS Skill Builder offerings

√ AWS Certification Official Question Sets
√ Standard Exam Prep courses
√ AWS Card Clash
√ AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner
√ Digital Badges

√ Unlimited access to +175 guided, AWS Builder self-paced labs*
√ AWS Certification Official Practice Exam
√ Enhanced Exam Prep courses (with practice materials)*
√ AWS Cloud Quest: intermediate & advanced roles*
√ AWS Industry Quest*
√ AWS Jam Journey*
*includes lab experiences

√ Unlimited access to 200+ AWS Builder Labs
√ Enhanced Exam Prep courses (with practice materials)
√ AWS Cloud Quest: intermediate & advanced roles
√ AWS Industry Quest
√ AWS Certification Official Practice Exams
√ AWS Jam Journey
√ AWS Industry Quest
√ AWS Digital Classroom
Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to innovate through the same expansive content and expert instruction as AWS Classroom Training - all online, at your own pace, and on your schedule. Learn from expert instructor-led videos and demonstrations, build skills through hands-on labs, and assess your understanding with knowledge checks, and course assessments.

√ AWS Cloud Quest Enterprise Features
√ AWS Cloud Quest Tournaments
√ AWS Jam Events
√ Ability to assign team and individual training
√ AWS Administrator Dashboard
√ Comprehensive Reporting
√ Single Sign-On (optional)
AWS Skill Builder features
Get Certified
Gain confidence going into exam day with AWS Certification Official Exam Prep developed by the experts at AWS. Go from start to AWS Certified with question sets, pretests, exam prep courses, and practice exams that demonstrate the style and depth of certification exams.

Learn hands-on in the AWS Console
Unlock hundreds of self-paced labs to develop and apply practical skills. Receive guided instructions for common cloud scenarios in a live AWS environment, and practice building without risk of unanticipated expenses. Available with the AI-powered, trainer-inspired AWS Learning Assistant to help you answer queries, explain code, and discuss product implications—all within your lab's context.

Dive deep with instruction
Accelerate your deep understanding of focused topic areas with immediate access to expert AWS instructor-led videos, hands-on labs, knowledge checks, and course assessments that you can revisit at any time.*
*AWS Digital Classroom is available as part of annual subscriptions only.

Develop AWS solution, role and industry expertise
Translate business problems into technical solutions by enrolling in an AWS SimuLearn training that pairs gen AI-powered simulations with hands-on building, further role and industry expertise while having fun with AWS Cloud and Industry Quest, or explore the building blocks of AWS Cloud architecture through virtual card game AWS Card Clash.

Build problem solving skills
Verify your building skills with a Jam Journey challenge. You'll solve real-world, open-ended problems in an AWS Console environment, with only clues to guide you.

Inspired learners
Learn about Chris Gonzales' inspiring journey transitioning from being a band director to becoming a Cloud Architect using AWS Skill Builder to develop his skills on AWS.
Build cloud skills at scale
Empower your workforce with AWS Skill Builder for teams. Build practical skills critical to your business with experiential training and digital classroom courses—keeping pace with cloud and generative AI technology.
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