Easy to use for a low-coder like me, but powerful too!
What do you like best about the product?
Workato is easy to use once you get to know it. The ability to connect my very niche multimedia asset management tools via APIs and webhooks is really useful. I am a post production project manager and we have a number of systems that need to be connected to enable our remote users to get their work done. A lot of whats involved is sharing links to videos, updating google sheets and updating Monday.com boards - often with the same information. We are almost finished desigining a system where both the google sheets and Monday boards are kept in sync via workato recipes that map the data by column, and in some cases the changes to the google sheet are automatically triggered by events in our Media Access Management system - via webhooks and another recipe. Workato made it easy for us to transform the RAW json data coming from the webhook into actionable data for google sheets, then remap the columns and sync it to Monday.com!
What do you dislike about the product?
The learning curve was pretty steep, but starting with simeple recipes helped. Initially I found the error handling logic difficult to get my head around. But a combination of using AI helpers and support from Workator developers allowed me to understand it's importance. From there I was able to move onto more complicated data transformation recipes and build my own error handling into it.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Workato helped me to work out how to use webhooks to trigger workflows (which I don't use that offten). Previously I have used tools like IFTTT but I progressed pretty quickly from the simple logic that they provided. Workato has all these great data transformation features that helped me to shift data around and map differing fields so they play nice together. A great example was connecting Monday.com boards to google sheets and automatically upding column data based on changes - in both directions. This is important as some other workflow tools only connect sheets and Monday in a single direction.
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