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Implementation (4510 results) showing 331 - 340

Adoption of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service enables companies to ship new services to customers at rapid speed. Are you leveraging containerized applications and the cloud across your organization to transform and gain a competitive edge? Agenda Day 1 of this two-day workshop features a...

Baseline services + a road to continuous improvement The foundation of our program is our baseline services. Clients enrolled in our program gain access to our setup of monitoring tools, FinOps tools, and our preconfigured best-practice security configurations, as well as our Engineering...

Our Focus is to assist you accelerate your ability to enhance and scale your Cloud presence when considering a complete Cloud-based digital transformation. We start with a focus on the six pillars of a well-architected framework - operational excellence, security, reliability, performance...

Revolutionize legal document interpretation with our automated solution. Bid farewell to painstaking hours – even days – spent manually extracting and formatting information from documents for input into internal systems. Our cutting-edge AI and RPA-powered approach transform this process into an...

As an AWS Advanced Tier Partner with years of expertise, Green Custard will help you choose the optimal migration path and modernisation investments. for your IoT product solution. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for IoT deployment, so Green Custard will walk you through every step of your...

Get started with a free 30 or 60-minute consultation session with an AWS-Certified Solutions Architect from Cloudelligent. Engage in a transformative experience as we deliver expert advice, navigate technical questions about your infrastructure, and provide recommendations to advance your business...

Setting up a Best Practice AWS Organization Infrastructure Motivation If done right, the cloud can bring a host of new opportunities and improvements to businesses. For example, it is possible to track costs incurred in the cloud in great detail. AWS offers a variety of tools to realistically map...

Organizations opt for Public Cloud to reap the benefits such as scalability, high availability and pay per use, there by saving cost. As the cloud usage grows, expenditure on Public cloud may be concerning and not realizing expected cost benefits, if Visibility, Cost Management and Governance spend...

DailiTech is a top-notch team and guarantees the high-quality deliverables we have delivered on more than 100+ projects in the past few years. With the experience from 2014, DailiTech is the trusted vendor of top-listed public companies in various sectors such as Financial, Security, and...