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Implement current Weather data in your application Our Weather API allows developers to integrate real-time, accurate weather data into their applications, enhancing user experiences with up-to-date weather information. Save time and resources with our ready-made solution, providing global weather ... | |
ByPreqin Free | 1 month subscription available. Covering 60,000+ fund managers and investors globally Preqin’s ESG data set for Investor Relations provides immediate and actionable insights into the sustainability strategies, commitments, and investments of 60,000+ fund managers and investors globally to evaluate new business opportunities, mana... | |
ByPreqin Free | 1 month subscription available. Preqin’s ESG data set for Investment Teams empowers institutional investors and fund managers to make informed investment decisions aligned with their sustainability objectives as well as uncover and assess investment opportunities. The data set provides visibility over the sustainability strategi... | |
ByPreqin Free | 1 month subscription available. Covering 60,000+ fund managers and investors globally Preqin’s data set for ESG Integration provides visibility over the sustainability strategies of 60,000+ fund managers and investors globally in addition to comprehensive and unparalleled insights into ESG investment risks and impact potential at... | |
Prices starting at $750 | 1 and 12 month subscriptions available. This listing includes access to the Current Weather API, Daily Forecast API, Hourly Forecast API, and 60 Minute Precipitation Forecast API through AWS DataExchange. Up to 1 Million requests per day. | |
ByCSRHub Free | 1 month subscription available. Trial of CSRHub #ESG data. Includes #Environment, #Social and #Governance (ESG) ratings for Dow Jones 30 components from 2013 to the present. | |
ByCSRHub Price $20,000 | 12 month subscription available. Consensus ESG ratings are useful as part of integrating ESG into an investment process and for improving corporate sustainability performance. CSRHub data can now be shared via Redshift. CSRHub produces 12 measures of #Environment, #Social, and #Governance (ESG) performance for 55,000 public, priva... | |
Free | 12 month subscription available. Global Cosmetics Packaging Market was valued at USD 50.3 Billion in 2021 and is projected to reach a value of USD 63.2 Billion by 2028 at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 3.9% over the forecast period. | |
Price $4,000 | 12 month subscription available. The CargoMetrics Maritime Emissions - Global Benchmark - Dry Bulk (Monthly) product includes CargoMetrics' historical and ongoing carbon (CO2) emissions and fuel consumption metrics for dry bulk vessels in aggregate and by vessel type. The data are a monthly time series published monthly during the... | |
Free | 12 month subscription available. The global Active Seat Belt System Market size is predicted to reach USD 20.73 billion with a CAGR of 8.0% till 2030. Seat Belt is a safety system which is used in vehicles to ensure the safety of the occupants normally and in emergencies. | |
BymnAi Free | 13 month subscription available. This complete data set provides details of all active companies registered in the UK over one year old and assigns a gender attribute based on the aggregate gender of the board of directors and an emissions value based on the mnAi Carbon Emission Variable (CEV). | |
By Joint Nature Conservation Committee part of the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Free | Publicly available This dataset is Lidar data that has been collected by the Scottish public sector and made available under the Open Government Licence. The data are available as point cloud (LAS format or in LAZ compressed format), along with the derived Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM)... | |
Price $4,000 | 12 month subscription available. The CargoMetrics Maritime Emissions - Global Benchmark - Containers (Monthly) product includes CargoMetrics' historical and ongoing carbon (CO2) emissions and fuel consumption metrics for container vessels in aggregate and by vessel type. The data are a monthly time series published monthly during... | |
Free | 12 month subscription available. The worldwide market for Railway Traction Motors is anticipated to reach USD 47.64 billion by 2030. This represents a growth rate of 3.2% till 2030. Traction motors, which are electric motors employed to power the rotation of train wheels, are the driving force behind this market. | |
By The Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) part of the AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program Free | Publicly available Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) is a terrain model that normalizes topography to the relative heights along the drainage network and is used to describe the relative soil gravitational potentials or the local drainage potentials. Each pixel value represents the vertical distance to the nearest... | |
BymnAi Free | 12 month subscription available. A unique dataset that combines all active UK companies over a year old who have been identified as having received furlough funding during the pandemic and a company’s specific emissions value as assigned by mnAi’s Carbon Emission Variable (CEV). | |
Free | 12 month subscription available. The global Transformer Oil Market is predicted to reach USD 4.93 billion with a CAGR of 6.1% till 2030. Transformer oil, also known as insulating oil is stable at high temperatures and possesses excellent properties of electrical insulation. | |
ByESG Book Free | 1 and 12 month subscriptions available. The ESG Book Estimated Emissions Data Module provides investors with estimated emissions for ~45,000 public corporate entities that do not disclose their emissions. The dataset includes estimations for Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3 (total) emissions, and 15 Scope 3 Categories. A confidence rating is... | |
Free | 1 month subscription available. Agricultural Testing Market Size, Trends and Insights By Sample (Soil, water, Seed, Plant tissue, Manager, Biosolids), By Application (Quality Assurance, Safety Testing), By Technology (Rapid Technology, Conventional Technology), and By Region - Global Industry Overview, Statistical Data,... | |
ByOdycloud Free | 1 month subscription available. The dataset holds the results from air quality computations for the northeastern area of the U.S. and eastern Canada for the month of May (2024). The computations use state-of-the-art HPC software and include NRT satellite data to factor in wildfire emissions. The outputs represent hourly averages... |