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Captioning (6 results) showing 1 - 6
ByLG CNS | Ver 1.0.0 From fundamental research to product development, LG AI Research actively explores advanced AI technologies with the goal of enhancing people's lives. EXAONE Atelier Image to Text model brings comprehensive visual intelligence into reality. Powered by LG AI Research's latest image understanding te... | |
SyncWords offers a scalable end-to-end solution to seamlessly integrate AI-powered captioning, subtitling, and voice translation to all your AWS streaming channels. Easily add SyncWords in between AWS Elemental MediaLive and MediaPackage to automatically transcribe and translate your live-streaming... | |
ByLG CNS | Ver 1.0.0
From fundamental research to product development, LG AI Research actively explores advanced AI technologies with the goal of enhancing people's lives. EXAONE Atelier Image to Text model brings comprehensive visual intelligence into reality. Powered by LG AI Research's latest image understanding te... | |
ByMphasis | Ver 3.1 This solution helps us in finding and highlighting the position of the barcode printed on an image. It can identify and detect many popular bar code types like EAN-8, CODE128, EAN13, QR Code etc. It provides output with the barcode information overlaid on the original image as well as in a JSON... | |
ByMphasis | Ver 1.0 Analysing a document requires understanding the structure of the contents on its pages. Documents have sections, headers, captions, images, tables and footers. Each of these can provide valuable metadata when trying to extract information. For example: i) Searching for and identifying images can be ... | |
CapMate is an automated caption/subtitle QC and correction software. Delivering high quality captions or subtitles can be very costly due to significant manual intervention required in identifying and rectifying a variety of issues in the captions received from suppliers or exported out of traditio... |