AWS Marketplace EMEA Marketplace Operator

AWS Marketplace purchases by customers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa from the following sellers will be facilitated by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL.

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Key benefits

Invoice consistency

AWS Marketplace customers in Europe, Middle East, and Africa will receive their monthly invoices for AWS cloud services and AWS Marketplace from the same legal entity, Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL.

Localized Tax Treatment

AWS Marketplace customers in Europe, Middle East, and Africa will receive VAT taxing consistency between AWS cloud services and AWS Marketplace, streamlining internal operations.

SEPA Payment Support

AWS Marketplace customers in Europe are able to use their local SEPA bank accounts to pay for their AWS Marketplace invoices.

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Request the EMEA seller list
Contact your account manager or an AWS Marketplace representative for a list of EMEA Eligible sellers